Why wind energy is flawed
The Windmill Game of Price Gouging (Australia)
Australia shit-cans the carbon tax! Hooray! Another hoax gone!
“Being crazy isn’t enough”: Wind energy’s fantasy in green (Editorial)
Prominent Danish Professor sacked — for criticizing wind industry? Censorship?
Wind energy: A health & community & financial disaster (Ontario, Canada)
Germany concedes wind energy was a flop. (Ontario, are you listening?)
“Mighty Mouse” Knocks Out Wind Turbine! (Minnesota)
Kevon Martis slays Big Wind Goliath before the Michigan Senate
Looks like Germany is pulling the plug on (absurd) wind energy
Is Vestas’ moral compass broken? (Um, did it ever exist?)
“Wind Energy: Chalk it up as a loss” (Huffington Post)
“Harvest the wind,” these seducers whispered (A Poem)
Senator exposes fraud & malfeasance of the wind industry and govt. enablers (Australia)
F**ked wind company lease! (Maine)
Distinguished MIT economist issues damning report on wind energy
American Wind Energy Assoc. hammered by protestors (Ohio)
The monumental blunder known as “wind energy”
Ontario’s hilariously screwed up wind energy program!
Fix “Big Wind’s” problems–before creating more (Editorial)
Wind energy is both a demonstrated flop and dangerous for grid stability (Australia)
The poetry of Esther Wrightman (website)
Wind energy: “A system designed by delirious politicians, not prudent power engineers”
Greece’s wind energy time-bomb
When the lights go out: Inter-linked wind farms fail to provide “base load” electricity (Australia)
Three hard-hitting websites!
The end of (bullshit) wind energy is in sight! Hurrah!
Danish health expert calls the wind industry “totalitarian & ruthless”
“Why I call wind turbines bat-chomping, bird-slicing eco-crucifixes” (United Kingdom)
Vestas the wind turbine giant fights back (Denmark)
Wind energy companies bully, threaten, and intimidate those who oppose this monumental fraud
Wind energy is “a crime against the people” (Australia)
Wind energy a failure, reports Economics think tank (Ontario)
“Clean wind is clean only until it enters the blades. After that it is dirty wind.”
“Wind power works great, if . . .”
Do you really believe corporate claims of getting “all” their energy from “renewables”?
Wind energy’s stupendously false claims (United Kingdom)
Stamp out wind turbines (Scotland)
Wind turbines at sea get Wave Resonance Syndrome (Norway)
Hard data on why wind energy is bullshit (New York)
James Lovelock on wind energy as “vandalism” (UK)
“Europe’s Ill Wind” (UK video)
Big Wind’s “Production Tax Credit” (US Congress)
Radio interview with physician, Dr. Alan Watts (Australia)
“Wind warning”: Pittsburgh Tribune-Review editorial
Journalist insists wind developers aren’t thugs or a**holes (Australia)
North Holland bans wind turbines (Netherlands)
Prominent journalist pummels Wind Turbine Syndrome deniers (United Kingdom)
Vote: “Should Congress Continue Subsidizing Wind Energy?” (Wall St. Journal)
Seascapes being turned into “vast, rusting electricity factories” (Scotland)
“Wind-farm developments have saved virtually zero carbon dioxide emissions” (Australia)
“This is what I said to the wind energy weasel who offered me $30,000” (Ontario, Canada)
Wind developer application refused on health grounds (Australia)
“The great wind delusion has hijacked our energy policy” (United Kingdom)
Wind energy: “It’s difficult to imagine a worse energy policy”
“The inconvenient truth about wind turbines”: From an engineer (Canada)
Wind Energy Doesn’t Add Up!
“Wind farm scam a huge cover-up” (Australia)
“Wind energy has collapsed under the weight of its own contradictions” (UK)
Wind Wise Radio (Mass.)
“The beginning of the end of wind”
U.S. Senator leads the charge against Big Wind
US Senate refuses to continue Big Wind’s outrageous tax credits! Hooray!
“Wind power is an environmental wrecking ball”
Why do prominent Australians keep calling wind energy an outrageous fraud?
Wind turbine output a lie (Vermont & NY)
“Windfall”: The movie that’s busting Big Wind
“Why the wind industry is costing you big bucks” (Fox News)
“Wind energy a crock of shit!” (Australia)
Wind energy: Following the money (NY Times)
Wind turbine turbulence. What are the micro-climate effects?
“Dirty Business”: New book on wind energy (Ontario)
Wind energy: The “least sustainable energy option”
Wind energy is the “equivalent of the corn ethanol scam” (Bentek Report)
Reality check on wind energy (Willem Post)
Wind energy is neither “clean” nor “free”
Wind energy’s “trail of broken promises” (USA)
Renewable energy: Where’s the jobs?
“Should Uncle Sam subsidize Big Wind?” (Wall St Jour)
US Congress moving toward mandated “clean energy” standard
Wind energy’s Brave New World: Intermittent power (National Grid)
For every “green job” created, 3.7 jobs are lost (United Kingdom)
“It’s our money!” (Editorial)
Wind energy is an oxymoron
China is dying for the sins of our “clean, green” wind turbines (UK)
Breaking the Spell of Bullshit (Massachusetts)
“High-cost subsidized renewable resources destroy jobs and hurt consumers” (Jonathan A. Lesser, PhD)
Wind energy? Watch your electric bill skyrocket (Oregon)
Netherlands bailing out of wind energy
Thirty-minute crash course
“DBA Wind Energy”
Quebec hydro-power coming to New England? Better think twice!
Time to pull the plug on Big Wind (Wall St. Journal)
Steep electricity prices, courtesy of wind energy, creating “fuel poverty” (United Kingdom)
Wind energy’s “green jobs” hoax
“Who’s funding Big Wind, and why?”
Big Wind: “Eventually the laws of physics will show that charlatans have hoodwinked us”
New Congress to give Big Wind sub$idies the Bum’s Rush (hopefully)
Editorial: “Wind Parks? Really?”
“Wind Energy 101 for the NY Times”
“Dear NY Times, Please get your wind energy facts straight!”
What’s worse than wind turbines in your backyard?
Bill for national Renewable Portfolio Standard (U.S. Senate)
Editorial: “Overblown”
Denmark “turning against” wind turbines (UK)
Editorial: “Big Wind” Swindle
The reality is that wind energy “is not doing much of anything” (Wall St. Journal)
Editorial: Don’t call them “wind farms”!
Terrestrial Energy?
Editorial: Wind energy is a government subsidized fraud
“Only about 5 percent of the state’s installed wind capacity was available when Texans needed it most” (Texas)
The Great Wind Power Bait & Switch (Massachusetts)
Retired Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives
Is wind energy a faith-based enterprise? (Massachusetts)
“An offensive industrialization of human space”
Start here
Economist demonstrates that wind energy is economically counter-productive
“Watts with the wind”
Is wind energy realistic?
“Wind power, the worst kind of mirage”
“Green power” means generating electricity by burning dollars
“Wind power is a complete disaster”
"Governed by the ill wind of deception" (United Kingdom)
Wind energy: A rogue industry