We did it! Raised $5K for the Therriens! (Vermont)
Oct 13, 2013

—Calvin Luther Martin, PhD
Sometimes we are required to “walk on water”—that is, do something we don’t know how to do.
So, we do it—then worry about how to do it, later.
It’s called a “miracle.” (“Did I really do that?”)
This is such a miracle. This past week, 20 people together pledged $5,000 to move this family—the Therriens—out of their home. A home that is no longer a “home,” but an acoustically toxic nightmare that is swallowing them, whole.
Nina & I have been doing this “wind energy” bullshit for 9 years. “Bullshit” because it shouldn’t have lasted 9 years. Wind energy was already discredited, at least from the human health standpoint—in the 1980s!
It turns out that “reason” and “empirical evidence” and “common sense” and “justice” have nothing to do with wind energy. Instead, one quickly discovers that wind energy is an ideological zombie; it refuses to die. Its human casualty list is long. Very long, and global.
All in all, it’s a really depressing story, with no clear end in sight. Sometimes, however, there’s a bit of good news. Truly good news! Like this: Readers of this site managed to dig deep and send serious money to a drowning family.
When I spoke to Luann last week, I raised the specter of suicide. (Don’t raise your eyebrows. It’s happened in Ontario and elsewhere. And will happen, again.) After all, the Therriens’ world has been pulverized and they are penniless. (I had this corroborated by a third party source who knows them well.)
Instead, today there is rejoicing.
To all of you generous, kind-hearted, humane people who are helping us move out of our toxic home:
Honestly, I am stunned! Flabbergasted! And grateful—to know there are such honorable people who will give of themselves to someone they have never met.
My family’s heart has been touched in a way I never believed possible.
A simple Thank You just doesn’t seem enough to express how we feel right now!
Nevertheless, ‘Thank you so much!’
—Luann, Steve, Seager & Baily Therrien (Sheffield, Vermont)
Sometime during the course of the week, as I sent Luann daily updates, she wrote back to the effect: “I can’t believe you people are doing this!”
I liked that! I liked her incredulity!
But, people were doing it! By God, they were! And—they did!
I answered Luann’s amazement with words I, frankly, never thought I would once again say in my life. “My dear, evidently the message of ‘Peace, goodwill to men & women’ is not dead!”
Luann & Baily
Note to those of you who pledged: I will be contacting you, individually, tomorrow (Monday, Oct 14th) with the Therriens’ mailing address.
Luann tells me she will be sending each one of you a “thank you” note via postal mail.
Comment by Sharon on 10/14/2013 at 3:30 am
This news brings hope that mankind is not totally going downhill—or “to hell in a handbasket” as my parents would say.
I am happy for this family and praise those who made the decision to help them.
Comment by Leslie Leighton on 10/14/2013 at 10:31 am
I was at Luann and Steve’s home when she received the phone call from Mr. Martin. After a lengthy conversation, Luann turned to me. She was white. She took a breath, gave a deep sigh and said, “You’re not going to believe this! This man wants to do a fund-raiser for us!”
I had tears—tears of joy—streaming down my face. Luann, my sister, stood with a look of total disbelief trying to fathom what was truly going on. (My sister has trained herself not to get excited over anything that sounds like it might be something good, because nothing has been going right for them for a very long time.)
I can tell you that ever since she received this call, she has been either calling or texting me with updates. I can hear that “bit of hope” in her voice that I haven’t heard in such a long time.
I also need to thank you people for helping my sister and her family (actually, our family)—because now I will get her back. The sister who used to laugh and enjoy life—not the person she has become in the last few years from the scourge of Wind Turbine Syndrome.
Comment by sue hobart on 10/14/2013 at 10:57 am
This will not end here, but at least we can help get them out of harm’s way. That is the important first step.
I, too, abandoned my home and I wish it would end there… But the trouble continues. The turbine owners OWE compensation for the lives they ruin. We have to make that happen next.
I will stand with you in your court case, and hope you will stand by me in mine. This invitation goes to all us refugees. No matter what the government says, we still have been harmed and we have a right to get this in front of a jury.
Please, all refugees, stop beating your heads against the government wall and file those lawsuits. It will take years but we have to make this happen for the sake of everything we have lost and others will lose to this big green greed machine.
And we’d better do it before they dissolve and run away, because the subsidies are going to dry up and they will be harder and harder to find once that happens.
Comment by Luann Therrien on 10/25/2013 at 5:28 pm
We thank one and all for your generosity. This will certainly put a dent in what we need to escape.
Thank you,
Steve, Luann, Seager & Baily