We oppose the project “in the strongest possible terms” (Australia)
Dec 19, 2011

The Flyers Creek Wind Turbine Awareness Group, Inc. has produced a 258-page response to Infigen’s proposed wind plant, giving the project a grade of “F.”
The following is the cover letter included in their 258-page response.
The Director General
Major Development Assessment
Department of Planning and Infrastructure
GPO Box 39
AustraliaDear Sir,
Re: Proposed Flyers Creek Wind Farm, Blayney Local Government Area
Application reference: MP 08_0252
The Flyers Creek Wind Turbine Awareness Group Inc. (FCWTAG) is comprised of a large group of concerned residents of the Blayney Local Government Area.
We object to the Proposed Flyers Creek Wind Farm (“the proposal”) in the strongest possible terms. We believe this development [by wind energy giant, Infigen] is totally inappropriate.
This submission details our objections.
The FCWTAG requests that representatives of the group be given the opportunity to speak at the Planning Assessment Commission hearing related to this proposal.
Yours faithfully,
Dr. Colleen J Watts OAM
On behalf of the FCWTAG Inc
Click here for the full report. (Note: It’s a large file, 27 MB. It will take approx. 50 seconds to download with high speed access. Longer for DSL and longer yet with a dial-up connection.)
The report insists that the World Health Organization’s “Precautionary Principle” must be followed. (In fact, the WHO’s Precautionary Principle is being ignored by governments and wind developers the world over.)
8. Berglund, B., Lindval, T., and Schwela, D. (Eds) (2000). Guidelines for community noise. World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland.
Comment by Preston McClanahan on 12/19/2011 at 8:13 pm
Would that public opinion, as well as our elected officials, in Savoy, MA, be aware of this mandate.
Alas, they must await first-hand experience, as they have not heeded our warning calls.
Comment by Marsh Rosenthal on 12/19/2011 at 9:30 pm
Turning the residents of Falmouth, MA, into guinea pigs is the very opposite to the spirit of the “Precautionary Principle.” It makes my blood boil that such a thing is even to be allowed in this state.
I would like to bring back the old pillory and put the Falmouth Selectboard and the wonderful Governor Deval Patrick, who is the chief cheerleader in Mass., into it, within 1000 feet of one of these monsters and from time to time ask them how they are feeling.
Comment by thebiggreenlie on 12/19/2011 at 10:34 pm
The outrage over this huge scam called Industrial Wind has reached a breaking point. Here’s a Wind Warrior’s latest declaration!
Comment by Kerry B. Kenney on 12/19/2011 at 10:39 pm
Setback setback setbacks!!!! That is the issue when it comes to these monsters. They are not Green energy. You can’t turn a main power-plant off as the wind starts and then turn it back on when the wind stops.
Wind Turbines are not saving the planet; they are helping to destroy property value, increase disease by exploding the lungs of bats with the pressure change large blades create. That hampers natural control of insects that cause disease.
Any turbine over 300 foot needs to be 1/2 mile to 1.5 miles if turbines reach 500 foot in height, which is taller than the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor, for health protection.
We need to remember the one thing large wind farm scams are counting on, “You can fool most of the people some of the time. You can fool some of the people most of the time. But when it comes to money, you can fool all of the people most of the time. At least enough time to build them and then the companies could care less about what the effects of them are.”