“Vivre le Québec!” (Québec, Canada)
Apr 7, 2011

“Vivre le Québec libre des éoliennes!”
—Calvin Luther Martin, PhD (from Vaudreuil, Québec)
July 1967. French President Charles de Gaulle, visiting Montreal, famously boomed out to a huge French-speaking throng, “Vivre le Québec!”
As the approving roar died down, he leaned into the mike and roared back, “Vivre le Québec libre!”
“Libre!” That one word made History.
“Hail to a free Québec!” (Free of English control.)
Last evening, Nina Pierpont raised her voice in support of a Québec free of wind turbines. (“Vivre le Québec libre des éoliennes!“)
Speaking in the measured language of the clinician, Pierpont explained to a rapt audience that “real clinical medicine does not support industrial wind turbines in your communities!”
Dr. Pierpont had been invited to Québec by a coalition of mayors (a half dozen or so) whose communities oppose Big Wind. Communities rich in history. Communities of black alluvial soils growing, for centuries, the vegetables for Eastern Canada. Communities of robust towns along the banks of the Richelieu, as it journeys north from L. Champlain to intersect the St. Lawrence.
Communities where a name tells a story. St.-Blaise-sur-Richelieu, l’Île-aux-Noix, St.-Valentin, l’Abri-du-Vent-de-Nord, Saint-Cyprien-de-Napierville.
Here kinship and hospitality reach back centuries—and still mean something.
Québecois tradition
Here, this physician with French surname spoke to the health of community.
First to a press conference. Then, more formally, to a provincial tribunal. To a government tribunal struggling to resolve the vexing issue of giant industrial wind turbines in the heart—the soul, really—of this eloquent fabric of land and people.
Testimony before an audience of hundreds—nearly all of them opposed to the mind-boggling machines being thrust upon them by a culturally tone-deaf developer.
Despite her name, the doctor’s French was rudimentary. (A professional had to translate.)
And when she was done—the audience broke the rules. They applauded! They applauded “Vivre le Québec libre des éoliennes!”
Thunderously. As if they meant it.
Comment by Bart Sutton (New Jersey) on 04/07/2011 at 4:31 pm
Let’s hope it doesn’t follow “business as usual” and la sourde oreille (fall on deaf ears)!
Hopefully the culture is more important than the money and misleading rhetoric.
Comment by Kerry B. Kenney (Ohio) on 04/08/2011 at 11:53 am
There can be no “business as usual” anymore. There must be a shift away from politicians controlling the people. They are elected to protect the people, and when they do not they must be replaced.
It is our job to show when they are not protecting the people and how they are not protecting the people.
Dr Pierpont is on point leading the ones providing truth to their communities and we need to support her by building a coalition against something that will destroy families, friendships, health, business, and do nothing to bring down our energy costs.