Wind Turbine Syndrome victims gagged & silenced (Ontario, Canada)
Aug 22, 2009

*“According to the land registry office in Orangeville, six homes in Dufferin County [Ontario, Canada] have been purchased by wind developers after serious [health] complaints. Most recently June 26th, 2009, the Barbara Ashbee home.
“Before these families could escape the nightmare of their unliveable homes, they had to agree to sign strict nondisclosure contracts—in other words, gag-orders to protect the wind companies. The wind company has spent over $1.75 million dollars clandestinely buying out these people, yet it claims there were no [health] complaints.
“This list of residents is not yet conclusive.
» Ashbee PT LT 29 CON 7, PT 1 7R742; Amaranth
» Fraser 58234 County Rd 17, Melancthon
» Benvenete Pt Lts 284 & 285, Con 4, Melancthon
» Brownell Pt Lt 29, Con 5, Pt 1, 7R787, Amaranth
» Williams 58232 County Rd, RR 6 Melancthon
» Barlow Pt Lt 1, Con 5, Melancthon
“Why is this happening?
“Industrial Wind Turbines were allowed to be sited too close to residences. This caused severe noise and adverse health affects including cardiac arrhythmia, sleep disturbance, fatigue, increased stress levels and loss of cognitive function.
“Their homes became unfit for human habitation. The purchases by the wind developer are an admission that wind turbines have created health issues that impact residents.
“Unfortunately, the wind industry and the McGuinty government have failed to publicly acknowledge or act on health issues and the pleas for help from the families impacted. This government is pushing this agenda with full knowledge of the existing problems and the potential for many more going forward. Meanwhile the McGuinty government refuses to conduct proper health studies.”
Article 12 of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights:
No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence. . . . Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference.
*Reprinted from Wind Concerns Ontario, with appreciation.
Comment by sue hobart on 03/08/2011 at 3:24 pm
I have a turbine in my backyard here in Falmouth, MA. 1.65 MW, privately-owned, and making money. I want to die at times because my little dream home is now almost unliveable some nights, and my property value is zero. I can’t afford to move and work here at home.
I seldom sleep, and I shake, and my ears ring whenever I am home.
Two years ago, this place had a market value of $600,000. We still have a bit of a mortgage on it, and 7 more years until any sort of hope for retirement.
Talk people! Please! This will be like “asbestos” in the future. Of course, I will be dead by the time these money-makers are called to put health before profits.