{"id":8861,"date":"2010-05-04T19:37:05","date_gmt":"2010-05-04T23:37:05","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.windturbinesyndrome.com\/static\/static\/?p=8861"},"modified":"2012-02-03T08:05:56","modified_gmt":"2012-02-03T13:05:56","slug":"germans-protest-wind-turbines-but-i-thought-they-loved-them","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.windturbinesyndrome.com\/static\/2010\/germans-protest-wind-turbines-but-i-thought-they-loved-them\/","title":{"rendered":"Germans protest wind turbines! (But I thought they loved them?)"},"content":{"rendered":"
Dear friends and \u201cheadwinders\u201d all over the world,<\/p>\n On May 15th at 1:30 pm we are going to meet at Brandenburger Tor in the middle of Berlin, to start the first public rally at 2:00 pm.<\/p>\n In a country like Germany, where energy produced by wind turbines is called environmental and wind turbines are holy, this is exceptionally remarkable.<\/p>\n People who are living beside, between, and surrounded by more than 25,000 wind turbines in this country—some of them for 20 years and more—suffering from WTS (Wind Turbine Syndrome), or may rest assured that they will find themselves falling ill in between the next generation of another 25,000 projected and approved turbines, these people are starting their first protest against this sanctuary.<\/p>\n People who are anxious and frightened for fear of being trivialized or even threatened by neighbors (who cash in very well by wind turbines), by politicians and media.<\/p>\n Almost all major conservation organizations in Germany have sold the protection of species for donations and sponsorship by the wind lobby. That means no support for us from there, fighting against \u201cWindwahn.”<\/p>\n So we are these people in Germany who need your help!<\/p>\n If you can manage, come and join us showing our resentment about this tyranny against humans and nature in Berlin.<\/p>\n If you cannot come to Berlin, please send us a short letter of support.<\/p>\n Many thanks to all, who’ve already sent us wonderful messages of support and reports about your experiences of fighting against and living with wind turbines! Marco has published them on our new website: www.windwahn.de<\/a><\/p>\n \u00bb\u00bb\u00bb\u00bb\u00bb\u00bb\u00bb\u00bb\u00bb\u00bb\u00bb\u00bb\u00bb\u00bb\u00bb<\/span><\/p>\n Chers amis et alli\u00e9s contre les \u00e9oliennes industrielles,<\/p>\n le 15 mai \u00e0 13.30 h, on se rencontre \u00e0 la Porte de Brandebourg dans le centre de Berlin, \u00e0 d\u00e9marrer la premi\u00e8re manifestation publique \u00e0 14.00 h.<\/p>\n Dans un pays comme l’Allemagne, o\u00f9 l’\u00e9nergie produite par les \u00e9oliennes en soi est appel\u00e9e \u00e9cologique et les \u00e9oliennes industrielles sont saintes, c’est plus que remarquable.<\/p>\n Les gens dans ce pays, qui vivent \u00e0 c\u00f4t\u00e9, entre et entour\u00e9s par plus de 25.000 \u00e9oliennes – certains d’entre eux depuis 20 ans et plus – qui souffrent de WTS (Wind Turbine Syndrome) ou peut-\u00eatre qu’ils vont tomber malade entre encore 25,000 \u00e9oliennes de nouvelle g\u00e9n\u00e9ration pr\u00e9vues et approuv\u00e9es, ces personnes commencent leur premi\u00e8re manifestation contre ce sanctuaire nomm\u00e9 \u00e9olienne.<\/p>\n Les gens qui sont anxieux et effray\u00e9s de peur d’\u00eatre banalis\u00e9s, voire menac\u00e9s par des voisins (qui encaissent tr\u00e8s bien les \u00e9oliennes), par les politiciens et les m\u00e9dias.<\/p>\n Presque toutes les organisations importantes pour la protection de la nature en Allemagne se sont vendues aux lobbyistes de l\u2019industrie \u00e9olienne par des dons et le parrainage. Donc, m\u00eame pas de soutien de ce c\u00f4t\u00e9-l\u00e0 pour la protection des esp\u00e8ces.<\/p>\n Nous sommes donc ces gens en Allemagne qui ont besoin de votre aide!<\/p>\n Si vous arrivez, venez nous joindre pour montrer notre m\u00e9contentement au sujet de cette tyrannie contre l’homme et la nature \u00e0 Berlin.<\/p>\n Si vous ne pouvez pas venir \u00e0 Berlin, s’il vous pla\u00eet envoyez-nous une courte lettre de soutien.<\/p>\n Merci beaucoup \u00e0 tout ce que nous avons d\u00e9j\u00e0 envoy\u00e9 des lettres de soutiens.<\/p>\n Marco les a publi\u00e9s sur notre nouveau site www.windwahn.de<\/p>\n We need a global movement against the destruction of man and nature by the wind industry and its profiteers.<\/p>\n Nous avons besoin d’un mouvement mondial contre la destruction de l’homme et la nature par l’industrie \u00e9olienne et de ses profiteurs.<\/p>\n Warm regards—cordialement<\/p>\n Jutta & Marco from Windwahnmarsch in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany Jutta Reichardt<\/a>
\nGerman windplant. No, this was not Photoshopped. This is the real thing. Click here<\/a> for the full effect.<\/span><\/p>\n“Wake-Up Call!”<\/h3>\n
\nF\u00fcr Mensch und Natur – Gegenwind Schleswig-Holstein
\nLandesverband der Windkraftgegner<\/span><\/p>\n