Is there any scientific & clinical basis to WTS?
Medical doctor sees Wind Turbine Syndrome in his patients (Vermont)
Wind turbine infrasound screws up ovulation (Denmark)
“There is a pressure pulsation emitted into the community once every second” (Wind Turbine Noise Expert)
“Imagine being bombarded day & night by volleys of acoustic artillery, much of it low frequency and infrasonic” (Dr. Pierpont)
Got Wind Turbine Syndrome? This Harvard Medical School Professor believes you!
Senator accuses Public Health professor of ridiculing Wind Turbine Syndrome victims (Australia)
Nina Pierpont to Slovenia: “Beware of Wind Turbine Syndrome!”
“Bent science”: How the wind energy industry distorts and discredits legitimate health research
Acoustician describes how wind turbine infrasound triggers motion sickness (Canada)
Doctor rebukes National Health & Med. Research Council for blowing off Wind Turbine Syndrome (Australia)
Medical school research team confirms wind turbine infrasound can produce Wind Turbine Syndrome (USA)
Medical doctor trashes Australian Med. Assoc. for trashing Wind Turbine Syndrome
Wind turbine host has textbook Wind Turbine Syndrome — the disease Big Wind denies exists (Australia)
Ireland’s Deputy Chief Medical Officer continues to endorse Wind Turbine Syndrome, despite Big Wind bullying
Stop playing games with wind turbine noise measurements (Editorial)
Ireland’s Deputy Chief Medical Officer credits Wind Turbine Syndrome
When the science of wind energy turns into the art of prostitution (Editorial)
Australia’s NHMRC conducts another pretentious exercise in bullshit. No one is surprised.
Is Big Wind the New Big Tobacco?
When wind turbines create Vibro-Acoustic Disease
Turbo-Jesus: The Messiah?
Family hammered by WTS. University studies WTS (Ontario)
Wind Turbine Syndrome in Denmark
“An Ill Wind” (Video)
“Stop wind turbine torture now!” (Editorial)
“Wind Turbine Syndrome blamed for mysterious symptoms in Cape Cod Town” (ABC News)
New research supports Wind Turbine Syndrome (Canada)
School superintendent reports Wind Turbine Syndrome epidemic at school (Illinois)
Pierpont not qualified to testify re. Wind Turbine Syndrome? (Ontario)
Wind Turbine Syndrome in Massachusetts (again)
Psychiatrist rebukes Health Board for rejecting wind turbine-induced sleep deprivation (Falmouth, MA)
The wind developer “is proposing a grand experiment with the town residents as the guinea pigs” (Noise engineer)
Noise that creates havoc with your body and mind (NY Times)
“Nina Pierpont has endured endless vilification by members of the acoustics community” (Malcolm Swinbanks, PhD)
Did ILFN Syndrome cause Spain’s worst train wreck? (Nina Pierpont, MD, PhD)
“Dr. Pierpont & Dr. Laurie are more full of arrows than St. Sebastian” (Eric Bibler)
“Gunfight at the O.K. Corral”: Pierpont vs. Schomer
“Infrasound from wind turbines: An overlooked health hazard” (Clinical report, Sweden)
The Science of Wind Turbine Syndrome: Part 3
Wind developers (still) lie about turbine health effects (Australia)
“Wind turbine dangers known since ’87 ” (Australia)
“Wind turbines are a human health hazard: The smoking gun” (UK)
The Science of Wind Turbine Syndrome: Part 2
The Science of Wind Turbine Syndrome: Part 1
Danish health expert calls the wind industry “totalitarian & ruthless”
Expert dismisses Mass. “Wind Turbine Health Impact Study” as junk science (Dr. Raymond Hartman)
Wind Turbine Syndrome was being documented in science journals in the late 70s, early 80s (U.S. Dept. of Energy)
U.S. government has known about Wind Turbine Syndrome since 1987 (U.S. Dept. of Energy)
Dr. Sarah Laurie formally cleared of trumped-up charges (Australia)
Member of Parliament reams Simon Chapman another a**hole (Australia)
The persecution of a medical heroine, Dr. Sarah Laurie (Australia)
Donna’s journal (Ontario)
Doctor describes classic Wind Turbine Syndrome in patient (Vermont)
Horses get Wind Turbine Syndrome (Portugal)
Behavioral pediatrician warns of Wind Turbine Syndrome in children (Ontario)
Expert flushes Chapman’s “Pissed Off” Thesis down the drain
“Wind farms aren’t noisy—are they?” (Australia)
“Clean wind is clean only until it enters the blades. After that it is dirty wind.”
Doctors blow the whistle on wind turbines (Global)
Why the wind industry’s turbine noise measurements are worthless
“Acoustic trauma produced by large wind turbines is real and significant,” Sandy Reider, MD (Vermont)
Pierpont comments on “Effects of Industrial Wind Turbine Noise on Sleep & Health” (Jour. of Noise Health)
Nurse experiences wind turbines as “absolute, living hell” (Ontario)
The Wisconsin Towns Assoc. calls for immediate wind turbine moratorium
Province’s Chief Medical Officer lying about Wind Turbine Syndrome? (Ontario)
“A true noise hell”: Wind turbines in Denmark
Acoustician explains wind turbine infrasound & low frequency noise (Rick James)
Wind energy’s “natural experiment” on humans violates Nuremberg Code (Curt Devlin)
Abandoned homes near wind turbines discovered to be saturated with infrasound (Wisconsin)
“I’m sick!” “No you’re not!” (Australia)
“First, do no harm”: The role of medical professionals in corporate wind energy-sponsored torture (forthcoming)
“Wind turbine infra and low-frequency sound: Warning signs that were not heard” (Bulletin of Sci., Tech., and Soc.)
Radio interview with physician, Dr. Alan Watts (Australia)
“Wind Turbine Syndrome is real,” reports clinical psychologist (Australia)
Medical doctor discusses the published, peer-reviewed literature for Wind Turbine Syndrome (Australia)
“Sleep specialist” physician treats patients with Wind Turbine Syndrome (Australia)
“Health impact of wind farms” (Australia)
Wind Turbine Syndrome: Checking Lungs for Vibro-Acoustic Disease (Scotland)
Plea for “Declaration of Emergency” (Ontario, Canada)
Medical officer acknowledges wind turbines cause direct health effects (Ontario)
Doctors promote public awareness of Wind Turbine Syndrome (Germany)
Pierpont’s research on wind turbine infrasound vindicated
Prominent journalist pummels Wind Turbine Syndrome deniers (United Kingdom)
Medical doctor warns Canadian govt. of Wind Turbine Syndrome
“You cannot hear wind turbine infrasound, but your ears are indeed detecting and responding to it”
“We’re looking at an international humanitarian crisis” (Mass.)
Gutsy woman takes aim at the Big Wind Goliath (Australia)
Wind Turbine Syndrome documented out to 10 km (Australia)
Are some people not worthy?
Physician and WTS groups object to forthcoming “Health Canada” study
A brain, a heart, and courage? (Falmouth, MA)
“Health Canada Announces Wind Turbine Noise & Health Study” (Canada)
Wind farm facing closure over Wind Turbine Syndrome (Australia)
Physician & journalist discuss Wind Turbine Syndrome (Australia)
Epidemiologist testifies on Wind Turbine Syndrome
“Wind Energy, Noise Pollution” (The National Review)
Wind Turbine Syndrome, “Chapman’s Caution,” and Personal Health Journals
Wind Turbine Syndrome: Health Assessment
“Gutsy” doc gives Vestas hell! (Denmark)
Windfarm plans scrapped for health reasons (Australia)
Board of Health asks State for “emergency financial relocation assistance” for Wind Turbine Syndrome victims (Wisconsin)
Vestas objects to wind turbine infrasound & low frequency noise requirements (Australia)
Clinician calls Mass. “Wind Turbine Health Impact Study” pure moonshine
“Wind Turbine Noise” (British Med. Jour.)
70% of respondents have Wind Turbine Syndrome at 5 km, reports university study (Australia)
“The Impact of Wind Turbine Noise on Health”
Pierpont responds to Wind Turbine Syndrome misinformation (Mass.)
Wind Turbine Syndrome: A Twenty-Minute Crash Course
Mass. “Wind Turbine Syndrome” Report flawed
Fairhaven residents appalled by turbine health risks (Mass.)
“To pee or not to pee on peer review?” (Massachusetts)
State of Mass. pronounces Wind Turbine Syndrome [expletive deleted]
Wind Turbine Syndrome and the Brain (Trans. into German)
Wind turbine acoustic report (Australia)
Ontario & Québec soon to be drinking “treated” frack water?
French scientist creates Wind Turbine Syndrome
We oppose the project “in the strongest possible terms” (Australia)
Acousticians confirm Wind Turbine Syndrome
Adverse health effects and industrial wind turbines (Canada)
“Wind turbines and public health: It’s time to act!” (Australia)
Wind turbines make people sick (Australia)
The Misuse of Infrasound: Industry, military, and now the cops
Guidelines for wind turbine siting
Why “Big Wind’s” noise measurements are a big fat lie
“There’s no impact to human health!” Really? (Ohio)
New clinical article supports WTS
This man thinks WTS research is worth pursuing (Harvard Med. School)
Got WTS? Call this man …
Waubra Foundation pummels Hepburn Wind (Australia)
“Wind Energy and Health”: Special issue of science journal
Windplant Noise Measurement and Control System (Australia)
Wind turbine “seismic” vibrations stop windfarm—cold! (UK)
M.D. treats patients for Wind Turbine Syndrome (Australia)
Interviewing Wind Turbine Syndrome victims (Pierpont)
Infrasound: Noise you can’t hear, but feel—over huge distances
American Psychological Assoc. spotlights Wind Turbine Syndrome
Special issue of peer-reviewed journal devoted to Wind Turbines & Health
Health policy expert hammers wind energy junk science
“We, the People” insist on proper health studies (Mass.)
Size matters! Yikes!
Massachusetts needs your help!
“Explicit cautionary notice to those responsible for Wind Turbine Siting decisions” (Waubra Foundation)
The bigger they are, the more LFN (Denmark)
Senate Committee whitewashes Wind Turbine Syndrome (Australia)
Pierpont & Laurie discuss Wind Turbine Syndrome (Cape Cod, Mass.)
Finally, a govt. has the balls to shut down loud (infrasonic) windfarm! (Scotland)
National health institute hears testimony on Wind Turbine Syndrome (Australia)
June 6, 2011, 6:45 pm (NY City time)
“Understanding the Truth of Wind Energy”–Lecture Series, June 2011 (Cape Cod, MA)
“We now see families leaving their homes,” reports physician (Denmark)
“Massive acoustic trauma incompatible with life” (Spain)
Two Acousticians succumb to Wind Turbine Syndrome (MA)
Pierpont vs. Big Wind Bluster (Québec, Canada)
Pierpont hauls Junk Science to the junkyard—again (Australia)
Doctor pleads before the Australian Federal Senate
Pierpont blasts health report (Australia)
Seismologists say wind turbines produce airborne infrasound plus ground-borne vibration “up to 6.8 miles from the wind farm” (Italy)
Another doctor pleads for turbine moratorium (Australia)
The “Green & Ribnick Report” (Australia)
A disgrace to science and public health (Massachusetts)
Wind Turbine Syndrome prompts state lawmakers to propose 2-year “wind farm” moratorium (Idaho)
“You can’t ignore the fact that people are getting sick,” says doc (Australia)
“It was beyond their Geiger counter’s limit” ( reports on Japan’s nuke crisis)
Japanese Nuclear Disaster: Medical alert for West Coast residents
“Wind turbines bad for health: US doctor” (Australia)
Doctor’s bombshell report to government confirms Wind Turbine Syndrome (Australia)
Dr. Pierpont said “Yes!” (Australia)
40 doctors sign Wind Turbine Syndrome petition (Quebec)
Physician witnesses Wind Turbine Syndrome (Australia)
Wind turbines disturbing your sleep? How’s your heart? (United Kingdom)
Wind Turbine Syndrome in Denmark: Physician’s letter to the Australia Senate
The Waubra Foundation (Australia)
“Wind farm operators are going to have to space turbines farther apart” (Johns Hopkins Univ. researcher)
Danish physician worries about turbine health effects (Denmark)
Intelligent editorial on wind turbines & health. Hallelujah! (Ontario)
Pierpont shreds Big Wind Junk Science
Hocus Pocus Australia
Pierpont KO’s McCunney
Blood pressures elevating dangerously after nighttime wind turbine exposure (Australia)
M.D. insists wind turbine health impacts need to be taken seriously (Australia)
Got Wind Turbine Syndrome? The Australian government wants to hear from you!
“Wind Turbines Are Hazardous to Human Health”
University noise engineer gets “definite infrasound readings from turbines” (Australia)
Medical officer will study “health effects of living near wind turbines” (Ontario)
Medical doctor continues to warn of possible high blood pressure (Australia)
Do wind turbines cause high blood pressure?
“Wind Turbine Syndrome and the Brain” (Pierpont)
Physician requests wind farm moratorium. Rebuffed by wind developer (Australia)
Wind turbines, infrasound, and health effects
“Wind Turbine Syndrome” book translated into Turkish
Why Wellfleet will get Wind Turbine Syndrome (Massachusetts)
“Wind Turbines & Health” Symposium: Summary (Ontario)
NIH-funded article on Wind Turbine Syndrome is “Most Downloaded Article” (USA)
“Wind turbines and health” symposium
Pierpont given award for “Excellence for Research & Leadership”
Canadian physicians dismiss Wind Turbine Syndrome as “anecdotes”
“Wake Up, Shetland Islands!” (Scotland)
Wind Turbine Guinea Pig Conference (Ontario)
International Symposium on Global Wind Industry & Adverse Health Effects (Canada)
“Wind Turbines Can Affect Inner Ear Function” (The Vestibular Disorders Association)
Noise Impact Assessment Report, Waubra Wind Farm (Australia)
Pierpont’s research in the news (Oregon)
Wind Turbine Syndrome (Ontario)
Scientists challenge Big Wind’s claim that “What You Can’t Hear Won’t Hurt You” (National Institutes of Health, USA)
Pierpont, keynote speaker at International Symposium on Turbines & Health (Canada)
Audiology Today: Wind Turbine Noise
Epidemiologist credits WTS, dismissing detractors as junk scientists (Wisconsin)
Hospital opens Balance (Vertigo) Center next door to windfarm (Watertown, NY)
Does this sound familiar?
Pierpont to Wellfleet regarding 1.8 MW turbine (Massachusetts)
Wind turbines produce major infrasound. Period. No question about it.
“Wind Turbine Syndrome with Dr. Nina Pierpont” (ABC News, Australia)
Wind Turbine Syndrome meets Hollywood
How Loud Is Too Loud?
"Hell on earth" (Australia)
Wind turbine sound "needs research" (National Health Service, UK)
"A recent piece I wrote on the cardiac consequences of sleep deprivation has been accused of fear-mongering on wind turbines" (Vermont)
Wind turbines produce worrisome low frequency noise (USA and UK)
"I share your concern about the potentially serious effects of wind turbine generated pressure changes" (Ontario, Canada)
F. Owen Black, MD, FACS
"The only mitigation of sleep disturbance from industrial wind turbine noise is a setback of at least 1.5 km."
"Wind farms can cause significant health problems," says new Australian report (Australia)
Physician says doctors must get involved with Wind Turbine Syndrome (Ontario, Canada)
Japanese government plans Wind Turbine Syndrome epidemiological study (Japan)
Cortisol and Wind Turbines (Wisconsin)
Government studies turbine low frequency noise (Australia)
Wind Turbine Syndrome interview with Dr. Robert McMurtry (Ontario, Canada)
Maine Medical Association
Health survey (Ontario, Canada)
Doctor conducts windplant health survey
New study supports Pierpont's research