“Vertigo so bad, I couldn’t drive or walk through my house without holding onto walls” (Falmouth, MA)
May 19, 2014

— Sharon in Falmouth, Mass. (5/18/14)
I have just gone through three weeks of vertigo that was so bad, I could not drive, walk through my house without holding onto walls, and dizziness even lying down. Another portion of my life, gone. I just turned 61 and never had a diagnosis of vertigo until the Falmouth wind turbines went up 3 to 4 years ago. The first time lasted 1.5 years.
My mother of 83 said they should build them next to the politicians who were all for them in the first place. God, I love my mom. Such practicial wisdom and common sense — something missing in our government as well as in most people I read about these days.
I believe one day, scientists and doctors will come together to study the impact of sound, its various levels, duration and distance, etc., on humans and wildlife. We already are aware of sleep deprivation and its negative impact on the human body and mind.
Unfortunately, the ignorance of these fields takes so long, they leave a wake of misery and death in their wake. I speak of events like multiple sclerosis, Lyme Disease, PTSD, and the list goes on.
Nevertheless, I believe in the old adage, “the squeaky wheel gets oiled.” I will not be silenced and will continue to write and vote against these wind turbines being located too near us.
Comment by sue hobart on 05/19/2014 at 6:30 pm
It’s a tough fight in Falmouth. We have a “green mafia” situation. I recommend a for sale sign….I cannot even describe the relief we feel from finally being out of there for good…
We will not stop telling the truth, we had so much stolen from us … but it is impossible to reason with the powers of the Green ($$$$) teams in Falmouth.
I am convinced money changed hands before my nuisance hearing… I cannot compete with the millionnaires determined to keep their income streams. They OWN everything… the board of health, selectmen, votes, and your future.
Sharon… life is worth better than to suffer… go my friend. Get better…. love with a pragmatic twist.
Fight and speak from a safe position.
Comment by Sharon on 05/20/2014 at 7:24 am
Thanks for the good advice Sue and am happy you have found relief from this ongoing nightmare. I agree that money/greed is what is stalling the good fight. That, plus the fear by a few good men to do what they know is right. I do want to leave, but cannot do so just yet. Plans are afoot, however.
Nate Turner and I spoke years ago, 1993-95, when he was a Selectman in Falmouth. He told me his father and grandfather were as well, but that he was leaving. When I asked him why, he said, “A lot of the people being elected are not from here and don’t have the deep-rooted interest in our community.” He sounded sad and disappointed. I now know what he was talking about.
Falmouth is not a place of peace and quiet, nor is there love of one’s fellow man, as much as when I moved here in 1985. I did so for the very aforementioned reasons and my childhood memories of when my aunt used to bring me to the Sea Crest. If only we had 20/20 foresight.
Best wishes for you and yours Sue. Enjoy your new home and life.
Comment by Itasca Small on 05/22/2014 at 3:42 pm
I would like to add some thoughts to the well-stated, and heart-rending comments by Sharon and Sue. Sharon says:
“I believe one day, scientists and doctors will come together to study the impact of sound, its various levels, duration and distance, etc., on humans and wildlife. We already are aware of sleep deprivation and its negative impact on the human body and mind.
“Unfortunately, the ignorance of these fields takes so long, they leave a wake of misery and death in their wake. I speak of events like multiple sclerosis, Lyme Disease, PTSD, and the list goes on…”
I refuse to excuse those “professionals” who choose to pretend that there was no pre-“Wind Energy Juggernaut” scientific proof of the adverse effects of sound waves across the spectrum, from infrasound to microwaves (cellphones, cordless phones, computers, etc.).
The proof is available, and in the case of infrasonic wave radiation, it has been known since at least the experiments of DC and AC-generation inventor, Nikola Tesla, decades ago. He warned the scientific and technological communities that infrasound is destructive to living cells, and that precautions would be necessary as means of electricity production were implemented.
Subsequently, power generation companies have always known the dangers, including the true facts about the corona propagated via electrical transmission lines. I refuse to believe that the medical community was ignorant of the same knowledge all these decades! Experiments by other scientists — and even those evil men at Adolph Hitler’s behest — in the ensuing years after Tesla, have confirmed many of the facts the “professionals” now claim to be either false, or new information from mere months.
I will concede that there do seem to be honest researchers who were so mis-educated as to be truly ignorant. But, many of these are then guilty of discounting and/or denying the truth, rather than acting from open minds to research the history and the facts for themselves! These people are just as culpable as those who have always known the truth and denied it, and demonize those who plead for acknowledgement of the DESTRUCTION CAUSED BY THEIR FALSE god: “WIND ENERGY MONSTER.”
Evil men (yes, and women) are sacrificing all Life on Earth to the 21st Century version of the false fire god, Baal!
Itasca Small,
Wind Energy Refugee from Iberdrola’s Dry Lake Wind Power Plant, Navajo County, Arizona, U.S.A.
Comment by Fight to the Death!!! on 07/27/2014 at 6:52 pm
Thank you for sharing your stories. Helpful to one with a looming proposed project…. Praying for strength, wisdom, peace….