Turbo-Jesus: The Messiah?
Feb 2, 2014

Editor’s note: Behold “Turbo-Jesus.” TJ. The Redeemer. Our 21st-century Messiah.
TJ promises to save us from the apocalypse of Global Warming. TJ is the god of the Wind Energy religion. You can see his symbols, his cruciform icons, erected willy nilly across rural landscapes around the globe. (Check your electric bill. Every month, you’re being tithed to pay the priests of this cult for installing TJ crosses across land & sea. Soon they will be coming to your neighborhood!)
“Praise the Lord,” shout TJ’s followers in loud hosannas to their (financial) savior!
Noise engineer Stephen Ambrose had an epiphanal encounter with TJ several years back, when, like the biblical Saul on the road to Damascus, Ambrose was brought to his knees by TJ’s (infrasonic) powers.
Did this turn Ambrose into a believer? Well, yes, sort of. He immediately became a born-again believer in Wind Turbine Syndrome — as he describes in his testimony before the Massachusetts Dept. of Public Utilities last month. (Click here for a PDF of his testimony.)
Jesus of Nazareth is said to have warned his followers that in the so-called End Times (a spooky apocalyptic scenario), an Anti-Christ would appear, promising redemption to humanity. Could TJ and his horde of followers who make a financial windfall off taxpayer & ratepayer subsidies — is it possible TJ is that very Anti-Christ? The god whose “brand” is the 2.5 MW Triune Phallus?
Testimony of Stephen Ambrose before the Mass. Dept. of Public Utilities (1/29/14)
I witnessed this [wind turbine] harm 1750-ft from the nearest Falmouth wind turbine during moderate to strong winds. I never expected to be made sick, to feel miserable, to have an unrelenting headache, and nausea. I lost enthusiasm doing the work that I love. I recognized the loss of cognitive ability and was able to adjust with extra care and effort. There were frequent awakenings from unknown causes that interfered with restful sleep. Leaving the area provided some relief, yet was quickly lost after returning. Amazingly, it took two weeks at home for my wife to notice that I was returning to normal. I never want to have this experience repeated.
— Stephen Ambrose, Board Certified Noise Engineer, INCE
My name is Stephen Ambrose and I am an acoustic professional with over 35 years’ experience in community noise assessments. My success is achieved by education, learned experiences, careful listening, and then confirming with good measurement practices. I follow industry-accepted guidelines and procedures developed to protect neighbors from adverse noise impacts. These wind turbine noise complaints should never have occurred. They could have all been predicted before ever being presented for public review.
I graduated from UMasss Amherst in 1976 with a BS degree in Civil Engineering. I have 18 years’ experience with Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation in Boston, where I specialized in industrial noise and vibration control. For the past 15 years, I have been an independent consultant focusing on acoustics, environmental sound and noise control. I am Board Certified by the Institute of Noise Control Engineering and Full Member of the Acoustical Society of America.
My career is committed to following the highest canons of professional ethics: 1) hold paramount public safety, health, welfare and wellbeing, 2) represent clients truthfully, and 3) avoid or make known all conflicts of interest.
As a professional acoustic investigator, I will confirm by my own experiences that neighbors are being harmed when wind turbines are built too close to homes. This HARM is real. Wind turbine HARMS in many ways by causing physical or mental damage or injury, diminishes the enjoyment of life. People are impaired, hurt, broken, devalued, weakened, etc. Harm destroys the fabric for living.
I witnessed this harm 1750-ft from the nearest Falmouth wind turbine during moderate to strong winds. I never expected to be made sick, to feel miserable, to have an unrelenting headache, and nausea. I lost enthusiasm doing the work that I love. I recognized the loss of cognitive ability and was able to adjust with extra care and effort. There were frequent awakenings from unknown causes that interfered with restful sleep. Leaving the area provided some relief, yet was quickly lost after returning. Amazingly, it took two weeks at home for my wife to notice that I was returning to normal. I never want to have this experience repeated.
I have visited Fairhaven, Kingston and Scituate and other wind turbine sites. Neighbors living near these facilities are being harmed, yet they are being ignored by those entrusted with the responsibility for protecting public health. Why is this? Why is Massachusetts only funding studies to disprove and invalidate neighbors’ complaints? This is WRONG! The State must acknowledge neighbors’ hardships and provide comfort and assurance that this will be remedied. An expression of sympathy is the right first step. Instead, the State continues to voice disdain and contempt for neighbors’ complaints. This must STOP!
Observing noise produced by a large wind turbine during the daytime is very misleading. Go out at night during moderate wind speeds (12 to 18 mph) and higher at distances greater than 900-ft. Stand quietly and identify all the sound sources that you hear. Then imagine trying to sleep. Remember neighbors’ complaints relate more to the activity interference than the actual sound level; watching TV, conversations, and especially sleep.
I recommend that my peers and public health officials and talk with the adversely impacted neighbors during a windy night. Better yet, go prepared to live as a neighbor and do not be surprised when they invite you to sleep in their bed. This happened to me and was a life-changing event in my career. I no longer have sympathy for wind turbine neighbors. I now have real empathy. One prone to motion sickness may have a similar experience to mine.
When neighbors describe the horrors living near a wind turbine, believe them. They all are looking for deliverance from their State imposed misery. Count your individual blessings, for not being in their place where you need to plead for liberation from living in a public health sacrifice zone.
Please respond proactively for the plight of wind turbine neighbors. I envision that these hearing will have a positive outcome enabling changes that benefit Massachusetts commitment to protect all citizens equally.
These DPU hearings are highly beneficial. DPU involvement in this issue is welcomed. All State regulatory agencies are empowered to protect the public. Board members have heard firsthand witnesses describe their ruined lives and the harmful effects caused by wind turbines. The DPU has the regulatory authority, and this should be used to be pro-active in their efforts to protect public health, safety, welfare and well-being.
Comment by Melodie Burkett on 02/02/2014 at 11:49 pm
Thank you, Calvin! Thank you, Steve Ambrose!
Amazingly, I too have seen the fear in the souls of our young. I ask you Calvin, please explain to John and Jane Doe where we might see the mark of the bear on the gullible and the mark of the beast on the Anti-Christ’s head.
Editor’s note: Whoa, Melodie my dear! I was being sarcastic.
Comment by Jackie on 02/03/2014 at 12:01 pm
Calvin, thank you once again for this pertinent news. I also thank Steve Ambrose for his integrity as a professional. I will be curious to the outcome of this proceeding.
In Ontario, Canada, it matters not that you are truthful or knowledgeable. The politicians (who hold no letters behind their names) are GOD. In a world where bullying and abuse are no longer tolerated, the worst bullies and abusers are those we have elected.
Comment by sue hobart on 02/04/2014 at 8:59 am
wonderful image… which would be hilarious if it weren’t so accurate!
Bless you Calvin and Steve …