The perfect escape strategy for Wind Turbine Syndrome
Jun 7, 2014

Behold Dr. Nina’s Eurovan camper. V6 Audi engine, chassis by VW, camping package by Winnebago. Check these out on the web; they’re a collector’s item. (VW stopped making them in 2002. We bought ours new in 2000.)
It’s VW’s final version of this:
When you own one of these things — poof! — you become an instant hippy. We had a 1978 version, wherein we traveled all over North America — back when we were young and didn’t mind having an air cooled engine (not so great in Arizona in July) and zero heat (not so great in New Hampshire in January). Then we got old and decided to go for luxury, and bought the 2000 Eurovan.
We are done with our exploring, vagabonding, camping days. We’ve decided to sell this baby — though with a broken heart. We love this thing!
We’d like to sell it to someone who needs it to escape their infrasound-tormented home. (You can actually live in it. We have for a month or so. Entirely self-contained.)
Sleeps 4 (2 double beds), apt.-size fridge (runs on plug-in or rear coach battery or propane), 2-burner propane stove, pop-top, propane furnace (when camping), running water, front seats turn around, 2 tables, lots of interior lights, lots of cupboard storage space, awning, double kayak rack. Plus Dr. Nina’s own-invention: a rear shower stall (no patent pending).
Looks identical to these photos. (Photos are off the web.)
It’s in embarrassingly pristine condition. (Embarrassing? It reveals my OCD instincts. Some men play golf. My hobbies are doing the laundry, vacuuming, and cleaning things.) Never driven in winter. Absolutely no rust. Meticulously maintained by a patient of Dr. P’s who, um, builds cars from scratch. (Guy’s brilliant.) Not a scratch. Not a dent. Never in an accident.
We’ve driven this thing to Newfoundland (twice — yeah, take the ferry), the Pacific NW, the SW. Fabulous traveling vehicle. A dream to drive. Cruise control. Approx. 20 mph highway. 65,000 original miles. Powerful V6 engine with overdrive. Quiet engine. Air conditioning. Blah blah blah.
These sell for $45K to $50K on the web.
Contact Dr. Martin if you’re interested: or 518-651-2019.
Comment by Kaz Pease on 06/07/2014 at 8:26 pm
Och, darls…anyone who buys this is VERY welcome to park it here at The F.A.R.M…. in Lexington Township, Maine…where there is Fresh Air and Room to Move…and where there is ALSO a somewhat cool wind warrior who would love to provide a haven and some respite from the onslaught of IWT noise…. 🙂 Just sayin’….there are perks! 🙂 xoxo
Thank you Calvin and Nina!
Comment by Itasca Small on 06/08/2014 at 4:47 am
Hmmm… I still don’t know where I’m going…. Always did like travelling. Haven’t been able to go where I want, when I want, for a long time.
Ahh, to be a vagabond just going ’til I desire to stop. I could meet my new friends in-person, especially my fellow-Warriors, and tell my Wind Refugee story in-context with the loss of our Liberty under God across the land. Take out the second double bed, set up my Mac with a satellite dish and write to my heart’s content with a pen that is mightier than the sword!
Wherever the Wind Demons invade: just close the doors, drop the top, turn the key, put her in gear, spin the tires and throw the dust of the earth in their faces, as I hit the road again with God’s Wind at my back!
Sigh… to be younger — or, at least, healthier — fighting the Wind War and “all forms of tyranny against the minds of men,” with the Blessings of Almighty God and vim and vigor, in my very own mobile fortress. But, then I remember, He is Omniscient, and I am where I need to be at this moment, even if I don’t know what to do next!
Thanks for the imaginings, Calvin and Nina. I hope your mobile fortress doesn’t have to wait long for her Wind Energy Refugee(s) to drive her away!
And, Kaz, what a wonderful offer, too!