Looks like Germany is pulling the plug on (absurd) wind energy
Feb 27, 2014

“German Government Advisers Call For Abolition Of Renewables Subsidies”
— Press release, Global Warming Policy Foundation (2/26/14)
German Chancellor Angela Merkel won’t like to hear this advice from her advisers: While her government is working hard to reform renewable energy laws, a commission of experts appointed by the Bundestag is recommending to completely abolish the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG). In its annual report, the the Expert Commission on Research and Innovation concludes that the Green Energy Law is neither a cost-effective tool for climate protection nor does it have any measurable impact on innovation. “For both reasons, therefore, there is no justification for the continuation of the EEG ,” concludes the report which will be presented to the Chancellor on Wednesday — Andreas Mihm, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (2/25/14).
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Comment by Melodie Burkett on 02/27/2014 at 2:24 pm
Thar she blows! Gone! Now let’s play dominos. Tic tic tic. Click click click.
Comment by gail mair on 02/27/2014 at 2:34 pm
Now’s the time to invest in dynamite! Boooommm!!!!
Comment by sue hobart on 02/27/2014 at 3:48 pm
now can we get this “progressive” logic out here to the American continent? Love the concept of live and learn, but wish one could learn from the other.
Comment by Marshall Rosenthal on 02/27/2014 at 5:12 pm
As Europe slams the door on wind power, we can expect an even greater dumping upon our shores of renewable energy gizmos, especially wind turbines, and especially big ones.
This is no time to get starry-eyed about Germany trying to get out of the renewable energy market; there are warehouses full of this crap just waiting to be shipped here to the good old USA. Iberdrola is just drooling to colonize every ridgetop in western Massachusetts. Peru, Massachusetts, is in terror of five — count em, five! — 3MW machines, the biggest around here, being erected this spring by an illegal company, Lightship Energy, LLC.
What did you think would happen? These crooks will stop at nothing to ravish the countryside.
I think it’s time to give these shits the boot!
Comment by DAVID MORIARTY on 02/27/2014 at 7:22 pm
I totally agree with Marsh. Now is not the time to let up on these fascists. Let us all redouble our efforts and drive the antiquated dinosaurs off our shores for good. Also, lets keep these terrors locked away, as they should be. Please help support the awaiting victims of Massachusetts. The Town of Plymouth, America’s first hometown, is under assault along with the good folks of Peru (Mass.).
Please pray for these people and help prevent this known health and economic fiasco from happening again.
If St. Paddy can drive all the snakes out of Ireland, I think it quite possible that we can do the same. Let’s rid our shores, plains and mountaintops of these mechanical hissing vipers.