Kevon Martis slays Big Wind Goliath before the Michigan Senate
Mar 19, 2014

Editor’s note: This is a must-see! If you want a cogent, evidence-based, and frankly brilliant analysis of the colossal failure known as “wind energy,” watch this video.
Kevon Martis is Director of the Interstate Informed Citizen’s Coalition. His testimony urges the repeal of renewable energy mandates in Michigan. The Coalition gets no funding from any source; all its officers donate their time and money. This is a grass-roots outfit, from top to bottom. This is the “best” of American democracy — up against Big Corporate money and lobbying.
Click here to send him a congratulatory email.
Comment by Ella on 03/21/2014 at 8:37 am
Kevon, you’re my hero! Keep up the good work!
Proud to know you, proud to stand beside you!
Comment by C. Plummer on 03/30/2014 at 12:51 am
I cannot improve on Ella’s comment. This truly is a loyal American, true to himself and his beliefs — the definition of perseverance.
Thank you for caring about your fellow-man and passionately standing for something.
Comment by Libby Wheatley on 03/30/2014 at 1:20 am
Kevon kicks ass! We are very fortunate to have him here. He meets with the “govna”! And he is highly persuasive!