“I do not like green blades with spans/ I do not like them, mad I am”
Jul 14, 2014

I do not like green blades with spans
I do not like them, mad I amI do not like them on the roads
I do not like them in the rowsI do not like them standing tall
I do not like them, not at allI do not like them killing birds
I do not like them killing batsI do not like them causing harm
I do not like them on a farmI do not like them — Do No Harm
I do not like them false green farmsI do not like the spinning blades, noise, flicker, insane rage
I do not like them on this pageI do not like these giant fans
I do not like them on the landsI do not like those men in ties
I do not like those telling liesI do not like them on the ground
I do not like them dead birds foundI do not like those concrete holes
Where toxic water then must flowI do not like them in the sun
I do not like them in the rainI do not like them in the snow
I do not like them, they must go!I do not like them any day
They harm us all in every wayI do not like them in the north
I do not like them in the southI do not like them east or west
I do not like them, Can you guess?I do not like green blades with spans
with giant sweeps upon our landsIn Germany Australia Netherlands Canada USA or UK
Take your fans and blow away!I do not like green blades with spans
I do not like them, Mad I Am— Ella Rupprecht
Comment by Melodie Burkett on 07/14/2014 at 11:22 am
Priceless work. From the gut.
Melodie Burkett
Comment by Curt Devlin on 07/14/2014 at 11:29 am
Well said, Ella. Dr. Seuss, himself, couldn’t have said it better.
Unlike green eggs and ham, however, you’ll never get to like wind turbines.
Comment by Frank Haggerty on 07/14/2014 at 12:07 pm
In 2005 the Massachusetts Technology Collaborative now called the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center was well aware of two distinct types of noise. Regulatory and Human Annoyance. They produced a report for Mattapoisett, Massachusetts which included both types of sound. Residents became alarmed and fought the turbines worried about the noise . The town dropped the turbine program for “economic reasons.”
The reference to the two types of noise was dropped by the state agency after the failure to site wind turbines in Mattapoisett.
To this date no one has held the agency for deleting negative information. The Mass CEC has since admitted it placed wind turbines Ad Hoc prior to 2013 and now consideres 2000 feet the setbacks
N.D. Kelly produced a research paper prepared in November 1987 for the US Department of Energy demonstrated that the “annoyance” is caused by wind turbines. Aka – state and federal agencies have known since 1987 wind turbines cause two types of noise – Regulatory measued in decibels and Human Annoyance measured in low frequency – They need to be held accountable
Mattapoisett reference to two types of noise
On page 14 Mattapoisett wind test study – this section eliminated prior to Falmouth Wind 1 Installation
Noise considerations generally take two forms, state regulatory compliance and nuisance levels at nearby residences:
A. Regulatory compliance: Massachusetts state regulations do not allow a rise of 10 dB or greater above background levels at a property boundary (Massachusetts Air Pollution Control Regulations, Regulation 310 CMR 7.10). This sound level is very unlikely to be a reached incase at the sites we examined.
B. Human annoyance: Aside from Massachusetts regulations, residences must also be taken into consideration. Any eventual turbine would be sited such that it would be inaudible or minimally audible at the nearest residences. At this stage, to check for “fatal flaws,” a rule of thumb can be used: to minimize possible noise impacts,site wind turbines at least three times the blade tip height from residences. Distances from mixed-use areas may be somewhat shorter.
Comment by BARRY FUNFAR on 07/14/2014 at 1:53 pm
Although Dr. Seuss poems are cute and to the point, I have had people tell me this stuff is Tea Party bullshit.
To me the issue is far more serious than a nursery rhyme or riddle. It is the lives of me and the many other wind turbine victims around the world whose governments and populace have left to suffer as “wind turbine collateral damage.” I think that I, and all human beings, deserve similar protection under the law.
Editor’s reply: The response is obvious. Tell them to fuck themselves.
Like all good cartoonists, Theodor Seuss Geisel was an astute social and cultural critic. This is not child’s play; there is a profound mind at work in these drawings and rhymes.
Geisel’s contribution to humanitarian principles is borne out by the fact the Dartmouth School of Medicine was re-named the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth. (Dartmouth College being Geisel’s alma mater.) At the Geisel School of Medicine, with a large endowment from Geisel’s estate, the Hippocratic principle of “First, do no harm” is paramount.
I believe Ella Rupprecht writes in this spirit — a noble spirit. A noble spirit that deflects the cynical and callous response, “Barry, this is Tea Party bullshit!”
Like I say, tell them to fuck themselves — and learn something.
Comment by Ella on 07/15/2014 at 6:26 am
Thank you, Calvin!
Comment by Ella on 07/15/2014 at 7:01 am
Dear Barry (if I may),
I am no Tea Party “bull” person. I’m an independent thinker.
Do you imagine the issue is not serious to me? Really?
Agreed. Don’t think for a nanosecond that all the wind warriors out there don’t feel the same way. Come take a look at my home. The view that surrounds my property is horrendous. The sounds emitted directly affect me when the wind is blowing and pointed in my direction. The red flashing lights of nighttime, like a “red light,” prostitution district, are sickening. During the day, when blades are spinning, it is impossible to look out on the landscape without your eyes being drawn to the blades. Like you, I could go on and on about what is, what is not, and what happened to my community.
A little humor goes a long way when someone needs something to focus on for a minute, other than the evil surrounding us. Lighten up a bit. Dr. Seuss has done more for the minds of young children than any other writer of children’s books, worldwide. We aren’t talking Harry Potter, here; we’re talking morals in simple words children can understand, which Dr. Seuss did so well.
God bless you, my friend.