“He asked if his brain had a heartbeat! He was talking about a pulsing in his head!” (Australia)
Mar 15, 2014

— Patina Schneider, Australia
As the main contact of the Australian Industrial Wind Turbine Awareness Network I hear from many people who are impacted from noise pollution created by industrial wind turbines. Nothing is worse than the plea from a parent who can’t protect a child from the invasion of noise pollution created by wind turbines that were forced on their once peaceful rural community
One mother has given me permission to share extracts from her emails. Like so many other people I hear from, she tells how her family’s life changed for the worse when the wind farm began operation. The following are excerpts from her distraught emails regarding her child.
Try living with the noise all the time. It becomes unbearable!”
“How would you cope watching your child scream out in the middle of the night, pleading for the turbines to be turned off so they can sleep and to stop their bed from vibrating?”
“He even asked me if his brain had a heartbeat! What he was talking about is a pulsing in his head.”
“He gets angry and frustrated from the lack of sleep.”
“I even laid on his bed one night, and I couldn’t believe the vibration.”
“He has the right to have a good night’s sleep and not have to go to school too tired to learn and concentrate. He should have the same rights as every other child to get an education.”
“Kids are supposed to be important, but apparently kids near turbines aren’t considered. Where are his rights and why is he not considered?”
“His whole life is being affected. If he can’t concentrate to learn, what happens to his future?”
“I emailed the [wind energy] company, asking if they could put my son up in a house in town through the week so he could get a good night’s sleep before going to school. Our call for assistance went unanswered.”
“Do you know how frustrating it is not to be able to protect your child, and have that all taken away from you?”
This family has filed several hundred complaints since the wind farm began operation. They are trapped in their home because of financial constraints and their property devaluation. Their once happy life has been ruined, along with their business which they previously ran from their property.
Numerous correspondence to the developer and government authorities pleading for help and for them to be relocated to another property has got them nowhere, nor have their hundreds of complaints.
They are trapped, treated with complete disrespect or ignored.
They are sleep deprived, angry and frustrated and just want back what they had — a normal, peaceful life with a happy son who can get a good night’s sleep in his own bed and who can go to school and achieve his best. Not a son waking, screaming in the middle of the night for the turbines to be turned off.
Is this too much to ask?
Comment by Marshall Rosenthal on 03/15/2014 at 8:51 pm
I propose the establishment of the International Committee for the Relief of Wind Turbine Victims. This should be a function of a mother organization, the World Committee for the Guarantee of Human Rights.
I further propose that Calvin act as Director of Activities of said body, and that immediate recourse be demanded from every polity that subjects some of its citizens to the monstrous and inhumane assaults of the improper placement of mega-watt wind turbines near them.
It is further perfectly appropriate to consider the infliction of Wind Turbine Syndrome and Vibro-Acoustic Disease crimes against humanity, to be adjudicated in the highest courts of the world, in the cause of bringing the criminal wind power industry to justice.
The sooner this is accomplished, the sooner a measure of human decency may be restored to this world.
Editor’s note: I am humbled by your proposal. I’m afraid I am not worthy of it. Even so, it is a splendid idea.
I think that you, Marsh, should be Director of Activities. You have a fire within you that has been burning hot with justice & decency since the Civil Rights Movement, in which you participated. I am happy to assist you in any way I can.
Comment by Barbara Durkin on 03/15/2014 at 10:26 pm
I second Marsh Rosenthal’s proposal.
Comment by Tracy on 03/15/2014 at 10:42 pm
An “inhumane assault” is correct. Even removed from the vicinity of the turbines, the victim is burdened with the effects and the illness due to exposure to industrial wind turbines.
CEO’s such as Mike Crawley of AIM PowerGen are well aware of the devastating health effects caused by industrial wind turbines, yet these greedy multi-million dollar pigs continue to build their empires, while those living among the turbines become sick and die. David Timm, McGuinty are others. Anyone associated with the blood money of industrial wind turbines should be arrested and locked up for their remaining years.
You are scum Mike Crawley! When you leave this earth, you will have a one way ticket straight to hell. You will pay.
The day will come when I’ll look you straight in the eye…and spit.
Comment by Tracy on 03/15/2014 at 10:54 pm
A tidbit of crap: In my search, looking for a place to live, since I CANNOT LIVE IN MY REAL HOME because of industrial wind turbines surrounding my it, making me sick: I inquired about a rental unit in a newly-built subdivision in Tillsonburg, Ontario. The real estate representative informed me that most of the units were scooped up by people from Denmark who were associated with the Siemens plant on the edge of town. Wind turbine blades are manufactured at this plant.
Comment by Sarah Laurie, MD, CEO Waubra Foundation on 03/15/2014 at 11:15 pm
Australia is a signatory to the UN Convention on the rights of Children. Those rights include the right to rest.
The United Nations Committee against Torture (CAT) has noted that sleep deprivation used for prolonged periods constitutes a breach of the CAT, and is primarily used to break down the will of the detainee. Sleep deprivation can cause impaired memory and cognitive functioning, decreased short term memory, speech impairment, hallucinations, psychosis, lowered immunity, headaches, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, stress, anxiety and depression.
Residents describe living next to wind turbines and being affected adversely by the wind turbine noise as being torture for them and their families, who include children and the elderly.
The Australian Medical Association have just effectively endorsed the ongoing abuse of these children, without any consequences for the noise polluters or the enablers of such child abuse, with their recently released position statement on this issue:
Comment by Marshall Rosenthal on 03/16/2014 at 8:38 am
Bring me your biggest Goliath. I will bring him down with the power of my love, the strength of my prayers.
Comment by Patina Schneider on 03/16/2014 at 7:02 pm
Marshall, a brilliant idea to establish an International Committee for the Relief of Wind Turbine Victims. I am happy to assist in any way I can. The torture has to stop and there needs to be accountability for the harm being done. The sooner the better.
Declaration of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment: