Germany concedes wind energy was a flop. (Ontario, are you listening?)
May 2, 2014

Editor’s note: Looks like Angela Merkel’s coalition government (Germany) is pulling the plug on green energy. This means wind and solar energy are about to get their subsidies shit-canned. Reporting (in English) from Germany, Pierre Gosselin writes in “No Tricks Zone” (4/27/14):
Angela Merkel’s Vice Chancellor Stuns, Declares Germany’s ‘Energiewende’ To Be on ‘The Verge Of Failure’!
The green energy orgy in Germany is over. The music has stopped and the wine that once flowed freely has long run out. The green energy whores and pimps can go home.
In a stunning admission by Germany’s Economics Minister and Vice Chancellor to Angela Merkel, Sigmar Gabriel announced in a recent speech that the country’s once highly ballyhooed transformation to renewable energy, the so-called Energiewende, a model that has been adopted by a number of countries worldwide, is “on the verge of failure.”
Read the remainder, here.
“The green energy whores and pimps can go home.” Hmm. Strong language. Appropriate, however. Unfortunately, the green energy whores and pimps in Ontario and Australia and here in America are still plying their trade.
Recently, a popular German comedy show did a parody of Germany’s green energy fiasco. It’s worth watching. (It has English subtitles. The term,“GroKo,” used throughout the show, is an abbreviation for Germany’s coalition government, the Große Koalition.)
Comment by Mark Duchamp on 05/02/2014 at 10:27 pm
First it was Spain, Italy, Greece and Portugal. Broke, they have eliminated subsidies to renewable energy, some of them retroactively. Now, Germany is about to throw in the towel on its famous “energy transition.” The UK is likely to be next, with the growing success of UKIP, a Europe-skeptic political party which denounces the windfarm scam. In Poland and the Czech Republic, the wind bubble has already deflated. In North America, coming elections in Ontario are expected to bring back sanity to energy policy. It’s the beginning of the end for the biggest fraud that ever was.
The truth always manages to come out, no matter how many billions of dollars of taxpayers’ money are spent to hide it. But in this case it will cost billions more to fix what need fixing.
When the dust settles, ornithologists and their bird societies, physicians and acousticians, and engineers and economists that have participated in the scam, should be held to account. They have to be, for the harm they have done. And let’s not forget the politicians, the “green” NGOs, and all those who have contributed to the disaster. They don’t deserve to be forgiven.
Comment by Marshall Rosenthal on 05/03/2014 at 12:17 pm
Savoy and Peru, Mass., are you listening? Florida and Monroe, Mass., are you listening? Falmouth, Mass., are you listening? And Kingston, Princeton, Plymouth, and every big wind turbine site in Mass., New York State, Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont, are you listening? And, on and on, throughout this country, President Obama and your underlings, are you listening?