Family pulverized by a wind developer (Michigan)
Jul 31, 2014

Editor’s note: Watch this 20-minute video of testimony by a man named Cary Shineldecker. The Shineldecker home, in Michigan, is surrounded by industrial wind turbines (IWT’s). In the video, Mr. Shineldecker (an engineer) painstakingly and courteously explains to the wind developer, an outfit named Consumers Energy, how it systematically violated and ultimately pulverized his family’s home and life.
What I just wrote may seem “over the top”: systematic violation and pulverized. It’s not. Watch the video. You will be left speechless and seething. Twenty minutes of nightmare, as this man methodically piles up documented fact after fact.
Comment by Sarah Laurie, MD, CEO Waubra Foundation on 08/01/2014 at 7:57 am
This is clearly a situation where a range of human rights abuses are regularly occurring, the company is aware of them, and does nothing to prevent them recurring.
Both the UN Committee against Torture (CAT) and the Physicians for Human Rights agree that sleep deprivation is a method of torture. The appropriately named document “Leave no Marks” by the Physicians for Human Rights documents the clinical knowledge and legal precedents relating to sleep deprivation and “sensory bombardment with noise” on pp 22 – 26
The quote from the UN Committee against Torture states: ““The Committee against Torture (CAT) has noted that sleep deprivation used for prolonged periods constitutes a breach of the CAT, and is primarily used to break down the will of the detainee. Sleep deprivation can cause impaired memory and cognitive functioning, decreased short term memory, speech impairment, hallucinations, psychosis, lowered immunity, headaches, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, stress, anxiety and depression.”
This quote, and the provisions of the UN Convention against Torture and Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment have been reproduced on our website at
Article 1, 3 and 4 are particularly relevant with respect to the role of public officials who know about torture but do nothing to stop it occurring, and the consequences of such inaction.
The UN Convention explicitly states that there is NO justification, EVER, for torture to be used, EVEN IN WAR.
Comment by Marshall Rosenthal on 08/01/2014 at 8:11 am
Comment by michael fairneny on 08/01/2014 at 12:26 pm
These developers (with our federal and state officials… ok) are truely terrorizing the residents who are forced to live under these Industrial Wind Projects…I know…I’m one of them !!!!!
….and no one will accept responsibility and do anything about it….Our right to our “pursuit of happiness” has been stripped from us…..How can we be happy if we cannot feel safe in our own homes…????….This torture IS UNACCEPTABLE !!!!!!!!
Comment by Dianne on 08/01/2014 at 1:42 pm
YOU ARE NOT ALONE in the fight with wind farms. I have problems and my pets have problems, my neighbors, my folks also have problems.
It is a shame people like us, along with others, have to feel the health issues that go along with wind turbines that are so close to our homes.
Wish there was more information given to us by the wind companies that moved into our area.
McBain, MI
Comment by Kaz Pease on 08/01/2014 at 6:52 pm
This makes me sick.
What’s worse…this is not one isolated case. Wind developers the world over KNOW the impacts of their projects. Of course they do. But they, from their positions of power and money, believe they are immune from penalty, from responsibility, from liability.
It’s time to change things. We can continue to lament and beat our breasts and rend our clothing…we can commiserate with those who are living this nightmare and we can support each other through forums such as this…but none of those things will CHANGE the circumstances of the current or future victims.
Class Action.
Who is brave enough to take on these powerful multinational conglomerations? I believe there are multitudes who would sign on to such a suit, but we need a team of heroes with expertise in the law to lead the way.
My heart goes out to the Shineldeckers and all the many people who are suffering the same fate.
Editor’s reply: Class action suit. Alas, we tried. Several years ago we were working with Dr. Ray Hartman, Cambridge, MA, who tried to entice a large, blue-stocking law firm (Boston, NYC, Philadelphia) into taking on Big Wind. Ray is a prince of a man and he has been impacted by wind energy. (Princeton grad, MIT PhD in economics. Ray runs a firm that furnishes expert witnesses for very large and very expensive lawsuits, including class actions. He’s a pro.)
He tried, but no takers. Such a suit would cost millions. Take years. Yes, worth it. Still, no takers. If anyone has some good ideas, I’d sure like to hear them.
Comment by Katarina Dea Zetko (Slovenia) on 08/03/2014 at 5:08 am
You are not alone. They want to rob us of our basic right to have a decent night´s sleep. This is a well-known method from Hitler´s KL and Stalin´s Gulags and Tito´s Goli took, etc. Besides, it´s worth mentioning that even some armies are using infrasound as a weapon against enemies. To make them weak, to break their morale. Is there really anything more to add?
Yes, there is more to add! WE ARE STRONG. WE CANNOT BE IGNORED by this ECO-Fascism or ECO-Communism ANYMORE. Their methods are the same, but we know them so that they do not have the slightest chance of defeating us. It is because we are honest, we love people and animals, we love nature and our countryside, we love justice and we have compassion for all the suffering souls.
I do hope that our VICTORY comes before they manage to destroy everything!
Comment by Protecting the Nests in the Midwest on 08/04/2014 at 12:46 pm
Yes. We are strong, and we cannot be ignored! Yes. We love people and animals, and our hearts ache for those victims of this man-made suffering.
I have seen articles where the Shineldeckers were advocating for proper setbacks, before this man-made torture machine was constructed. It is disgusting how big business and so-called “green” energy prevails over common sense and humane conditions in one’s own home.
Cary Shineldecker and family, hugs and prayers for healing, hope, and JUSTICE!! Thank you for speaking out, even in your pain and suffering.
Every VOICE makes a difference as we expose this biggest scam, and form of torture, ever forced on human Guinea pigs!