“Down Wind”: Canadian news network hammers wind energy (video)


Editor’s note:  Finally!  A major news network, Sun News, has produced a hard-hitting, honest, no-holds-barred exposé of the biggest “energy” scam in human history.

Click anywhere, above, to watch the official trailer.


“Vertigo so bad, I couldn’t drive or walk through my house without holding onto walls” (Falmouth, MA)


— Sharon in Falmouth, Mass. (5/18/14)

I have just gone through three weeks of vertigo that was so bad, I could not drive, walk through my house without holding onto walls, and dizziness even lying down. Another portion of my life, gone. I just turned 61 and never had a diagnosis of vertigo until the Falmouth wind turbines went up 3 to 4 years ago. The first time lasted 1.5 years.

My mother of 83 said they should build them next to the politicians who were all for them in the first place. God, I love my mom. Such practicial wisdom and common sense — something missing in our government as well as in most people I read about these days.

I believe one day, scientists and doctors will come together to study the impact of sound, its various levels, duration and distance, etc., on humans and wildlife. We already are aware of sleep deprivation and its negative impact on the human body and mind.

Unfortunately, the ignorance of these fields takes so long, they leave a wake of misery and death in their wake. I speak of events like multiple sclerosis, Lyme Disease, PTSD, and the list goes on.

Nevertheless, I believe in the old adage, “the squeaky wheel gets oiled.” I will not be silenced and will continue to write and vote against these wind turbines being located too near us.


Acoustician describes how wind turbine infrasound triggers motion sickness (Canada)

motion sickness2

Click here for the radio interview.

Note that Dr. Pierpont has been saying this for years in her book, “Wind Turbine Syndrome,” as well as other articles posted on this site.  Not being a clinician or neuro-biologist, the acoustician being interviewed (Kevin Dooley) doesn’t understand how turbine infrasound dys-regulates inner ear structures to create the equivalent of motion sickness; yet he’s right that IWT infrasound is the culprit and that Wind Turbine Syndrome symptoms resemble motion sickness.

Another Wind Turbine Syndrome refugee (Falmouth, Mass.)

Editor’s note:  Sue & Ed Hobart have given up pursuing justice and truth and common sense in their efforts to shut down the privately-owned wind turbine next door to their (now, former) home in Falmouth, Massachusetts.  (The Hobarts moved away.)  The  Town of Falmouth recently  decreed that the turbine, which has been making the Hobarts and their neighbors  ill for years, has in fact not been making them ill; that is to say, the town decided that the Hobarts and their neighbors have been fabricating their illness.

Sue Hobart has responded to this cruel decision by writing a letter to the editor of the local newspaper.

turbine eviction

From:  Sue Hobart
To:  Editor, Cape News
Regarding:  A different kind of truth
Date:  5/12/14

We are giving up fighting the so-called Webb NOTUS wind turbine battle.  It drove us from our home, harmed our health, caused me to move my business and ruined our financial future and the value of our home.  Worse yet, the trust we used to have in human nature and basic compassion is gone.

But KNOW that we are not giving up because we are wrong, lying, crazy or trying to somehow extort money, as some around town would like you to believe.

We just realize the lengths these wind developers will go to destroy us.  Never have we been in the line of fire of such evil as we have with these legal maneuverings of these last months.  It is now clear that they will say and do absolutely anything to keep their big GREEN ($$$$) machine turning, torturing and bringing in the bucks.

So, they can have their blood money and gloat in their shallow victory.  But they will NEVER be the innocent ones, here.

Life is finite but valuable.  Both Ed & I are more than half over in that area.  We give them no more space in our life.  We live the truths, which are absolute and clear in the eyes of God and those who care enough to understand that this world is not as it should be and that lies will never become truth through repetition or warped statistical analysis.

This turbine thing has been a real life changer. Man’s ego, greed and arrogance are terrifying.  And we have no answers that can override compassion, humility and the perfection of nature left to its own healing.  But we will exercise our option to heal and keep telling the truth.

Maybe, with a little time and space in between, we can smile and feel a little peace before our time here is through.


The banality of evil is alive and well on Cape Cod


Curt Devlin, Guest Editor

My local newspaper recently published one of the ugliest, most mean-spirited op-eds I’ve ever read.  According to its author, Melody Affonce, anyone whose health is harmed by wind turbines must furnish unassailable proof before we take action to prevent further harm.  She compares these victims to those seeking workers compensation, welfare, or disability benefits.  (The fact that, so far, no one in Little Bay, Mass., is asking for compensation didn’t cross Affonce’s luminous mind.)

At the moment, the only thing the turbine neighbors are actually asking for is relief.  They just want to be free from the misery of headaches, dizziness, nausea and sleeplessness that they or their families experience whenever the turbines are spinning.  Affonce would deny them the same protections enjoyed by every other law-abiding citizen, and ignore their legal right to the peaceful enjoyment of their homes.  By her tortured logic, if people are beating you, you should have to prove that it hurts before you are justified in asking them to stop.

How far does Affonce’s evident endorsement of undeserved brutality and neglect go?  Perhaps we should deny medical treatment to seniors until they prove with certainty that they actually need it.  It is well known that care for the elderly absorbs a disproportionate amount our society’s healthcare resources through Medicare.  In the Affonce-care approach, we could dramatically decrease the cost of healthcare—not to mention the elderly population.  As long as we vote on this, it’s fair and just, right?

After the Vietnam War, we ignored the obvious suffering of vets with PTSD for over thirty years.  They couldn’t prove they were actually wounded—or that it was caused by combat.  The neurological damage of PTSD isn’t as obvious as the wounds caused by bullets and shrapnel—even though it is sometimes more debilitating.  According to Affonce’s line of reasoning, we should continue to deny all vets any mental health care or intervention until they prove they have sustained neurological injuries in battle.

No doubt, Affonce can tell us how to furnish proof of pain or suffering.  (How does one prove a headache, dizziness, or nausea?  The obvious fact that one cannot demonstrate somatic experiences, whether pleasant or painful, also escapes her gleaming intellect.)

To satisfy Affonce’s quest for absolute certainty, I modestly propose that we begin vivisecting one turbine neighbor each month until her hunger for “knowledge” is completely satisfied.  Sound reasonable?

When a doctor takes an x-ray, she does so to find the cause of pain.  She begins by assuming that your complaint is valid because she has an ethical obligation, known as duty of care, to take her patients complaint seriously.  We have a similar ethical duty to care for one another — called humanity.  You may know it as the Golden Rule.  Apparently, Affonce doesn’t feel bound by it.  Some people don’t mind cruelty as long as they aren’t disturbed by screaming.

For two years now, we have concentrated people in an infrasound ghetto against their will, subjected them to incessant low frequency pressure waves, and forced them to live in amplification chambers (which they once called home).  We are depriving them of their health, their livelihoods, and their basic human rights.  We are subjecting them to unwarranted experimentation.

Under these circumstances, Affonce’s demands aren’t just morally depraved—they are dangerous. At the Wind Forum in 2012, I described the siting of these turbines as an ominous social experiment and warned where it leads.  It may surprise you to learn that two of the diabolical experiments conducted at Dachau were designed to test the limits of human endurance to extreme pressure conditions and chronic sleep deprivation.  At Nuremburg, those who conducted them argued that the experiments were for “the greater good.”

At the forum, I asked:  Aren’t we better than this?  My question was rhetorical because I believed the answer was yes.  But when opinions like Affonce’s go unchallenged, I’m not so sure anymore.

When the silent majority watches impassively while wind zealots blame their victims, ignore human anguish, and applaud the trampling of basic human rights for the sake of some bankrupt ideological delusion disguised as the greater good, we inch ever closer to exactly the kind of unwarranted experimentation the Nuremburg Code was intended to prohibit.

Many have stood by, while officials make public apologies to their victims on public access television, like some circus sideshow, and hypocritically proclaim that “everyone deserves a good night’s sleep.”  Yet, none of these officials demands action to ensure that everyone gets one.  They personify what Hannah Arendt so aptly referred to as the banality of evil.

When the obvious truth is fully acknowledged, people like Affonce will be the first to claim, “We didn’t know!”

Germany concedes wind energy was a flop. (Ontario, are you listening?)


Editor’s note:  Looks like Angela Merkel’s coalition government (Germany) is pulling the plug on green energy. This means wind and solar energy are about to get their subsidies shit-canned.  Reporting (in English) from Germany, Pierre Gosselin writes in “No Tricks Zone” (4/27/14):

Angela Merkel’s Vice Chancellor Stuns, Declares Germany’s ‘Energiewende’ To Be on ‘The Verge Of Failure’!

The green energy orgy in Germany is over.  The music has stopped and the wine that once flowed freely has long run out.  The green energy whores and pimps can go home.

In a stunning admission by Germany’s Economics Minister and Vice Chancellor to Angela Merkel, Sigmar Gabriel announced in a recent speech that the country’s once highly ballyhooed transformation to renewable energy, the so-called Energiewende, a model that has been adopted by a number of countries worldwide, is “on the verge of failure.”

Read the remainder, here.

“The  green energy whores and pimps can go home.”  Hmm.  Strong language.  Appropriate, however.  Unfortunately,  the green energy whores and pimps in Ontario and Australia and here in America are still plying their trade.

Recently, a popular German comedy show did a parody of Germany’s green energy fiasco. It’s worth watching. (It has English subtitles.  The term,“GroKo,” used throughout the show, is an abbreviation for Germany’s coalition government, the Große Koalition.)
