“Life under the blades is no life at all” (Mass.)
Jan 23, 2013

Editor’s note: Today, in Falmouth, MA, there is a protest demonstration against wind turbines—against the industrial turbines which have been destroying people’s lives in Falmouth for the past 3 or 4 years. Watch Nina Pierpont’s video interviews of these Falmouth victims.
“Speak out, Stand up, Be Heard!”
Families in Falmouth can’t endure any more torture. They need your help now.
The Falmouth Committee on Human Rights invites you to attend a public demonstration in support of windturbine victims everywhere.
On Wednesday, January 23, 2013 there will be public protest throughout the town of Falmouth. The demonstrations start at 2:00 pm in advance of the 6:30 pm Selectmen’s meeting.
Meet in front of the town hall at the Village Green parking area, Falmouth, MA. Contact Dave Moriarty, 774-521-8474 for more details.
The Board of Selectmen will be taking public comments on the newly released $388,000 report.
Unless the conversion to a solar installation is adopted from among the recommendations of the Wind Turbine Options Group, Falmouth will be complicit with the State ofMassachusetts in continuing its unethical experiment on adversely affected wind turbine victims.
Turbine victims fear the report will be used to quiet citizen revolt against the failed energy policy of siting wind turbines near homes. If the town votes to continue operations, the result will be to extract residents from their homes.
Taxpayers and electricity customers of Massachusetts, who don’t want to see their hard-earned dollars used against their friends and neighbors, can make their comments known.
Media contact: David Moriarty, 774-521-8474
Comment by Bill Carson on 01/23/2013 at 1:22 pm
“You have to break eggs to make an omelette” This was the comment made back to me at wind turbine meeting at Barnstable High School two years ago .
The question I asked was what happens to all the people who live close to the commercial megawatt turbines.
The speaker made reference that the greater good would be to break a few eggs (you and I) in order to go forward with the renewable energy goal of 2000 megawatts of renewable energy in Massachusetts by the years 2020.
The omelette is the 2020 Massachusetts renewable energy goal .
Remember NIMBY – Nextime It May Be You
Comment by Aaron on 01/23/2013 at 3:14 pm
People from Clear Creek, Ontario send our appreciation to friends in Falmouth, Massachusetts.
It’s disturbing to read that the town of Falmouth would consider operating its wind turbines knowing this endangers the health and safety of people living nearby. It is worse knowing that more families are put at risk as long as problems like these are ignored.
Here, in Norfolk County, Ontario, our municipal government will not even recognize that problems exist in the rural Clear Creek community, caused by eighteen (18) Vestas V82 1.65-megawatt IWTs which started generating noise- and health-related complaints in 2008!
It’s very sad to think of how much could be accomplished if $388,000 dollars was spent providing respite for victims of wind turbine syndrome desperately needing to get out of their homes and away from the wind turbines that harm them.
Thank you to everyone working hard to prevent and resolve tragedies like these. And specifically to doctors like Nina Pierpont and Calvin Martin for all of their support throughout the last many years.
We’re hoping for the best, and are watching very closely what’s happening in Falmouth.
Editor’s note: Several years ago, the author and his mother were driven, by the turbines, from their home in the Clear Creek windfarm. They have lived like gypsies ever since. His mother, a schoolteacher, has suffered devastating and probably irreversible effects from Wind Turbine Syndrome.
Comment by Melodie Burkett on 01/23/2013 at 5:43 pm
I am fearing a revolt that will make the Boston Tea Party look like a dress rehearsal. Hopefully, it won’t come to that. Perhaps it has to.
Comment by johana on 01/23/2013 at 6:13 pm
Yes, Aaron, it’s been almost 50 months of living in IWT hell and I’m so scared out of my wits that the hearing loss I’m experiencing this past month will be irreversible that I will be joining the gypsy life by living in a caravan trailer for the rest of my life just to try to save what little hearing I have.
This is not the life I worked for 38 years to have upon retirement.
The house I built was planned in every detail to accomodate every possible disability; never in my wildest nightmares did I expect to have Mike Crawley, President of the Canadian Liberal Party and President of AIM PowerGen, the IWT development company, erect 18 IWTs all crammed in within a 3 km radius of my “aging in place” house.
Now this toxic house, reverberating with low frequency vibrations and infrasound, forces me to leave a lifetime of savings behind and join all those who have had to adopt the life of “travellers”.
Comment by sue Hobart on 01/23/2013 at 10:21 pm
Well, the Falmouth demonstration was not so heavily attended as we would have hoped for … freezing cold temps (by our standards) didn’t help.
But at the selectmen meeting, the vast majority of the public comments were urging “do the right thing” and take them down.
It looks like we have gotten through the “denial of harm” stage, at least … The victims are being heard and believed.
Our new slogan appears to be “do the right thing and take them down.”
I don’t know a single case where that has happened, yet … but sure would love it to be here in Falmouth. All I can do is pray for that.
In the meantime, however, I need to heal myself as much as I can … and under no circumstances will Falmouth ever be my home again.