“Harvest the wind,” these seducers whispered (A Poem)
Dec 17, 2013

Sold Out By Spin – A Story of the Wind
—Noel Abbott (12/16/13)
They came
to this quiet community
first the smooth talking
with their glib promises
of abundance
of how these machines
would save the world
The big lies
told with conviction
the big lies
Then the turbines
huge Industrial Machines
In between
a community divided
part of the plan
a war without guns
fought with the weapons
of treachery, lies, lobbyists, lawyers
No match for this armada
most small town boards
no time to make the wise long-term commitments
that their positions called for
To go to war with the very landowners
who may have built their towns
who have lived there for generations
“Harvest the Wind”
“Free Cash Crop”
“Save Your Farms”
“Free Money”
these seducers whispered
Then the machines
went up
and turned the world black
for so many
a quiet town
now an industrial wasteland
for so many
Skies still bright
but darkness in the lives
of those affected
And the invaders
many from foreign lands
reaping tax benefits
from our hard-earned hands
without our consent
and often without our knowledge
No sleep
loss of concentration
personality change
anger, grief
Wind Turbine Syndrome
Too late, the mountains gone
skylines gone
Let’s stop this madness
wake up!
I tell you this
this policy
driven by a triangle of bad laws-lobbyists-vested interest
Renewable Portfolio Standards (set by whom?)
and tax rebates are reaping the harvest
by raping the land
How could it be
that something so pervasive
is suicidal policy?
Look at war and ask the same question
Look for yourself
educate yourself
to the real facts
ask these questions:
Has one of these Industrial blights
ever meant the removal
of a single coal fired, oil fired, nuclear, or gas fired plant?
Time to wake up
“But we have to do something”
the critics and spin artists counter
If that something
is to drive yourself
off the edge of a cliff faster, stop!
It takes courage
to admit
that something so widespread
is suicidal policy
but it is
Energy efficiency will help
more efficient grids will help
localizing power will help
changing the laws will help
End this useless suffering.
Comment by Ellen Landauer on 12/17/2013 at 3:25 pm
Bravo, Noel!
Heartfelt, succinct, powerful and above all…
Comment by Marshall Rosenthal on 12/17/2013 at 5:57 pm
A revolution of Spirit springs from Noel’s words. It is a truthful flame that is beginning to catch fire all around us; in Falmouth, Fairhaven, and Kingston, where the wind turbine neighbors are already suffering, in Florida, MA, where they are being driven out of their skins, in Vinalhaven, ME, where the suffering apexed with a cardiac arrest, with only the paramedics and the Grace of God to be thanked for reversing it, in places where individuals too numerous and unknown have taken it upon themselves to strike out, it is a truthful flame that despite their allegiance to the corporate/state party line, individuals of the media are beginning to come forward to speak out against the ORGANIZED VIOLENCE that is being perpetrated against children, the elderly, families, those that protect us and care for our medical needs.
We are in the midst of a convulsed society, one that has swallowed the seductive bait of the carpetbagger/government combine. One, like a drugged dreamer, that is beginning to awaken from its unholy slumber.
Comment by Rosemary Hart on 01/18/2014 at 1:12 pm
Powerful words!