Family sues Board of Health over Wind Turbine Syndrome (Mass.)
Jan 15, 2013

“Wind turbine causing headaches, nausea, Scituate family says”
—Janet Wu, WCVB Boston (1/12/13)
Mark and Lauren McKeever Friday asked a Plymouth Superior Court for a temporary restraining order against Scituate to halt operations of a giant wind turbine 640 feet from their house.
With three blades each 150 feet long, the turbine runs intermittently throughout the day and night.
“We can’t sleep, my children wake up in the middle of the night because of the noise and humming, and then they go to school where they can’t concentrate because they are sleep deprived,” said Mark McKeever.
He said his family is suffering from sleep disturbances, headaches, nausea, dizziness, extreme fatigue, anxiety, tinnitus and difficulty concentrating since the turbine was erected over their house last March.
On sunny afternoons, light flickers throughout their house and makes it impossible to stay in the house or even to do any yard work.
Mark McKeever said his family had two good weeks of sleep in recent months — when they went to New Hampshire for vacation.
“What they are doing is wrong,” said Mark McKeever, who has pleaded with the town’s board of health to at least shut the turbine down at night.
But town officials have been told by operators of the turbine that one-third of the wind generated is produced at night.
Town officials have said there is no proof that the turbine is causing the McKeevers’ health problems.
Mark McKeever said he has invited every official to come to his house and see for themselves, but none have shown up to date.
He is suing the members of the Board of Health for their refusal to act on his request for relief.
Comment by mtumba on 01/15/2013 at 1:33 pm
Good! I hope the McKeevers and their lawyer are aware of the Wisconsin study re: infrasound and low frequency sound.
Comment by Bill Carson on 01/15/2013 at 3:28 pm
First the state of Wisconsin looked at the cast of characters that did the Massachusetts wind test in Falmouth :
Open this pdf file and LOL -ROFL :
Four towns are involved with noise issues with thousands of complaints.The state officials and town officials are stalling the residents in Fairhaven, Falmouth, Scituate and Kingston.
At some point Class Action litigation under Massachusetts Civil Procedure Rule 23 should take place. The residents all have the same health complaints. It may be time to get this group of citizens certified as a group with the same cause.That cause at the very least is assault and battery for exposing residents to the commercial effects of industrial wind turbines
The residents around the turbines have several attorneys which should be the class representatives .A Massachusetts Superior Court jury trial will decide the health issues and loss of residential property rights .
The wind industry today is a special interest group that have the ear of our politicians and a short-term profit motive. Our democratic ideals, our freedom, our rights and our laws are only threatening to special interests who seek to prevail by taking our health and property rights.
Comment by sue Hobart on 01/15/2013 at 7:00 pm
Who’s your lawyer… let’s dance…I have already abandoned my own home in falmouth and am impressed that you are in court already! Good luck and if you need testimony or anything let me know ….