Acoustician explains wind turbine infrasound & low frequency noise (Rick James)
Jan 9, 2013

Editor’s note: We recommend listening to this (lengthy) radio interview with acoustician, Rick James, as he explains the significance of the Shirley (Wisconsin) ILFN Report. (Interview length, 68 minutes.)
Click here for Mr. James’s website, E-coustics.
Comment by Bill Carson on 01/09/2013 at 10:52 am
Massachusetts now has four towns ,Fairhaven, Falmouth, Scituate and Kingston with thousands of noise complaints. The same noise complaints that are reported around the world near industrial megawatt wind turbines . The issue is infra sound and or low frequency sound making people sick world wide.
Massachusetts has a renewable energy goal of 2000 megawatts of power by 2020. A state semi quasi agency that spent millions to site megawatt turbines in residenially zoned location by special permit or any way possible .
The state of Massachusetts thinks thousands of people are some how in a mass hysteria over commercial wind turbines noise and is stalling looking at the real issue of the health of our citizens .
My opinion is there are now many tests and confirmations over the wind turbine sickness .The state of Massachusetts has invested millions of taxpayer dollars into the land based commercial wind turbine projects around the state .The politicians ,semi quasi agencies and environmental groups are looking at their own positions they took over the last ten years . THEY MADE A MISTAKE !
The politicians need to listen to the thousands of complaints .The people aren’t going away as they had hoped .The situation has only grown worse by the day as more people come forward to air their noise complaints
Massachusetts was once the cradle of liberty maybe its time for another Tea Party ?
Comment by Bill Carson on 01/09/2013 at 11:03 am
The Falmouth Wind Turbine Option Analysis Process (WTOP)through the Consensus Building Institute (CBI) is in the final stages of mediation between wind turbine abutters and the Town of Falmouth . The proposal in the Falmouth wind turbine matter will set a state standard .
Two years ago state officials had said that Falmouth was an isolated problem because the turbines were old turbines they bought at an auction .
Now comes Fairhaven ,Scituate and Kingston with new turbines and the same noise issues
The state officials are stuck between a rock and a hard place .How do all these towns and contractors get their money back when they followed the rules given to them by Massachusetts semi quasi state agencies ?
The stall is on over money issues while the public health is going down the toilet counterclockwise !
Comment by mtumba on 01/09/2013 at 12:59 pm
Awesome, thorough interview. NOW may the lawsuits begin?!?!
Comment by David Moriarty on 01/09/2013 at 5:26 pm
It is time the good people of Massachusetts stand up to the Governor come on people we need you now . Need I remind everyone that this is Massachusetts dam it , the cradle of liberty . This is the place where democracy was founded and continues to be challanged . The powers that be are trying to stifle democracy TODAY JANUARY 9. 2013 in Falmouth MA. People wake up and stand up for your friends and neighbors.
This kind of behavior by our elected officials must be challenged and stopped emediately . Our country can’t afford another revolution. Theses people must have to pay the piper, WE CANT LET THEM GET AWAY WITH THIS ANYMORE .
Comment by Andreas Marciniak on 01/10/2013 at 4:07 am
Great Interview, Mr. James, covered a lot of Info, Thank you for doing this, keep up the good work.
Comment by merle on 01/17/2013 at 3:00 am
Knowing that families and individuals (world wide) have been forced to leave their homes to live elsewhere – in tents, sheds, vans etc because of wind turbines, it is vital to act quickly: to promote in every possible way, your high quality Shirley wind data so that urgent updates and improvements to the processes of the wind Industry, medical researchers and conspiritorial politicians can be implemented.
Comment by genie81 on 02/15/2013 at 2:11 am
Thank goodness someone is helping to fight the nonsense of the wind industry which denies infrasound affects humans while Waterloo Wind Complex in South Australia has forced people to abandon their homes because some report said infrasound is too low to affect people And are making it up that they are sick. They deny many reports and studies while politicians keep on allowing these mechanical monsters to be developed in rural areas usually quite at night.We even have a Professor at Univ. of Sydney supposedly for Health who reads every bit of literature says wind turbine syndrome is mass hysteria and instead of taking a position of seeing into what is going on. I am so glad now things are showing these people really are suffering. We have even have the Federal Govt. spending large amounts of money promoting Infigen wind developers and wind energy.