“Through the wringer!” (Mass.)
Jan 4, 2012

Editor’s note: The Town of Falmouth, MA, turned off its “Wind 1” turbine in November 2011, I believe, just before Thanksgiving. Annie Hart Cool, a local realtor, and her husband Mark Cool, an air traffic controller, had suffered from Wind Turbine Syndrome for the years the turbine was operating. Click here to watch Nina Pierpont’s interview with Annie & Mark, two months before the turbine was shut down.
Now that it’s turned off, their WTS has—vanished.
–Annie Hart Cool (Falmouth, MA), 12/13/11
My husband and I live 1600 feet from Wind [Turbine] 1. Our experience is well documented. I will say that these last few weeks without the whirling, thumping and the vibrating have been phenomenal!
We had Thanksgiving for the first time in 2 years! We put up a Christmas tree for the first time in 2 years! We have entertained! We have slept through the night! We have not slept in the basement! We are rested! Headaches are a thing of the past! Dizziness, teeth grinding, vertigo—all somehow at bay!
To the people who said, “You’ll get used to it?” or had me doubting myself as “imagining” the health effects, and to those who said “So it’s annoying! Get over it!”—now, more than ever, I know there are health effects! I am solid in my experience that life now (with the turbine off) is remarkably different from the period of time when Wind 1 loomed loud over our house.
Comment by sue Hobart on 01/04/2012 at 1:46 pm
I so look forward to the day when I don’t have this neighbor anymore….In my case I will be leaving town, home, and hearth…
I despise Falmouth and what they and Dan Webb have put us all through. Thankfully the Wind 1 neighbors are getting some relief…
Comment by Karen Bessey Pease on 01/04/2012 at 1:46 pm
Annie, the relief expressed in your words is a palpable thing.
How wonderful it would be if everyone suffering adverse health impacts from industrial wind turbines could experience that same restoration of health and well-being.
Thank you for putting your story ‘out there’ to help others and to add to the growing record of victims and their suffering. Surely, leadership in the field of Health will begin to give credence to the large (and also growing) contingent of sufferers.
Wishing you a happy New Year and all my best for continued health and happiness.
Comment by Marco Bernardi on 01/04/2012 at 2:13 pm
What a wonderful life this must be. We feel for you.
After 18 years, the first three of six wind turbines beside our house will be dismanteled in the next weeks (or months?) and, hopefully, the other three sometimes thereafter.
Then we will live without beta blockers, cancer, and heart dysfunction—hopefully.
Congratulations from Northern Germany!
Comment by Willem on 01/04/2012 at 5:39 pm
How about voting these people out of office?
Comment by Barry Funfar on 01/05/2012 at 2:33 am
It is a wonderful feeling of regained freedom to live and work in my own yard and garden after 18 months of increasing torture from Falmouth’s Wind I turbine. It is difficult to put into words the life draining effects that ill-siting of an industrial turbine can wreak upon the human mind and body. This is not something that one can experience from reading about it. You have to be there to realize the full potential of the devastation.
My empathy goes out to all who continue to be pounded by, and have their quality of life severely diminished because of, these giant life-sucking pinwheels.
A well-deserved THANK YOU to those who have worked so diligently and continue attempting to educate the proponents of wind energy, and the general populace, to the scourge of wind turbines.
Barry Funfar