This man abandoned his home and moved into a shed (Australia)
Mar 13, 2012

Editor’s note: Andreas Marciniak (Australia) wrote the following letter to Tracy Whitworth (Ontario, Canada), in response to “My Name Is Tracy.”
Hi Tracy,
I’m sorry to hear things are so bad for you and the people in your town. I and my family have had the same problems here in Australia, in the small town of Waterloo, after they built these Monsters. Thirty-seven 3MW units on a 18 km ridge overlooking our town.
It took only a few weeks after they turned them on, till things started getting “wired.” We didn’t put it all together at first, because most of us in the surrounding farms were in favor of this new, clean, cheap energy. LOL!
My brother had to move after 3 months. If he had not, he would NOT be here with us today. His heart specialist told him at last month’s checkup not to go back to his home, not even to go to keep it clean. He is staying in a caravan (RV) with no power or running water, 25km away from his home. If he comes within 10km of Waterloo, he starts to feel ill.
I lasted 3 months longer than he did, and it got too much for me. The headaches became unbearable, and my blood pressure went through the roof. When my 17-year-old daughter came to stay with me, she began getting headaches from the turbines after being here 3 days, and her blood pressure went so high that I took her to the doctor. When I told him that I think our problems came from the turbines, he would not believe us, even with the month of medical records I showed him. After looking at the records he said, “I don’t believe it’s from the turbines,” adding, “if you’re better when you’re not at your home, then just move!”
So, I moved my daughter to Adelaide to stay with her sister, and I, too, soon moved to Adelaide. I live in my mother’s shed, and keep on fighting.
We have been declared a “disaster zone” in and around Waterloo, but all we get (from the government) are the same “stories” as you good people over there, in Canada.
I have lost everything that I worked for, nevertheless I will not stop fighting. There are a lot of us victims in this big world, so don’t give up! Every day there is new evidence coming out about how bad these turbines are for health, and how useless they are for producing energy, and NOT Green, and not cheap.
Stay strong and well!
Andreas Marciniak
P.S. I’m happy that you’re back online Calvin! And the new website looks great!
Comment by sue Hobart on 03/13/2012 at 10:24 am
God bless you my friend… What a world, indeed!
We are the green collateral damage… Sure as hell hope they stop “global warming.”
Huh! Sure!
Take care, dear man.