Storks slaughtered by wind turbines? (Poland)
Dec 8, 2012

Photos of 17 storks who reportedly ran “afoul” of industrial wind turbines in Poland.
Editor’s note: Click here for the source of these photos. The text accompanying them has been (clumsily) translated from Polish to English, using on online service called “Google Translate.”
More than 17 dead storks in power line near wind turbines in ditches
During our conversations with residents girls performed at the beginning of November 2012 we learned about the mass death of several young storks (photo below taken in August 2012). Residents of females mówiili us also about the many dead storks and birds of prey found in the field during haymaking. According to eyewitnesses, young storks fell while learning to fly in a gust of wind turbine blades, and many of them have been “thrown” in the direction of medium-voltage lines where Razon died shock. Witnesses also told us about the direct collisions of storks and birds of prey with blades of windmills. Carina witnesses also spoke about it in public during gołdapski conference—video report.
The photos below, together with information the inspector personally handed the security department in the county gołdapskim środowiaska. Now we are waiting for an answer/explanation/investigation/intervention …
Here is the Polish original.
Ponad 17 martwych bocianów pod linią energetyczną w pobliżu turbin wiatrowych w Suczkach
Podczas naszych rozmów z mieszkańcami Suczek przeprowadzonych na początku listopada 2012 dowiedzieliśmy się o masowej śmierci kilkunastu młodych bocianów (zdjęcia poniżej wykonane w sierpniu 2012), Mieszkańcy Suczek mówiili nam także o wielu martwych bocianach oraz ptakach szponiastych znajdowanych w polu podczas sianokosów. Według relacji naocznych świadków młode bociany podczas nauki latania wpadały w podmuch śmigieł elektrowni wiatrowej i wiele z nich zostało “rzucanych” w kierunku linii średniego napięcia gdzie ginęły rażone prądem. Świadkowie mówili nam także o bezpośrednich kolizjach bocianów oraz ptaków szponiastych ze śmigłami wiatraków. Kilu świadków mówiło o tym równiez publicznie podczas gołdapskiej konferencji—relacja wideo.
Poniższe zdjęcia wraz z informacją osobiście przekazaliśmy inspektorowi wydziału ochrony środowiaska w powiecie gołdapskim. Czekamy teraz na odpowiedź /wyjaśnienie /dochodzenie /interwencję…
Comment by Jim Wiegand on 12/08/2012 at 11:36 am
This could just as easily have been a pile of whooping cranes. But if this took place in America, GPS transponders would have been moved and no one would have heard a word about it. This is allowed to happen because of collusion between the wind industry and the USFWS. If for one second anyone thinks this collusion does not exist, just look at the absurd USFWS voluntary guidelines for the wind industry.
Since 2006 approximately 228 whooping cranes from the Aransas-Wood Buffalo population have died and most are unaccounted for. In fact no one has heard a word about the ongoing slaughter to golden eagles in Texas but it has been taking place for decades. Texas has 2 1/2 times the deadly rotor sweep and far more eagles than California. By comparison, in CA there are at least 100 eagles are killed each year and this has been going on for over 25 years.
The public has been fleeced and duped by this industry for decades. In fact this industry is operating a lot like tobacco industry did in the 1960’s when they covered up their deadly impacts from smoking. But I consider the wind industry to be even worse because they sell themselves as saviors for a world they are quickly destroying.
Comment by Jim Wiegand on 12/08/2012 at 1:31 pm
At the Kumeyaay Wind farm in Tecate, CA, Don Bonfiglio said he was horrified to see an employee throwing over a dozen large dead birds into a golf cart, including the largest horned owl he had ever seen. “I was so depressed by this I had an even harder time sleeping for days,” he wrote. “I was haunted by those dead birds and wondering how many other people and animals were suffering because of these turbines.”
Another person, Professor Libby Wheatley from Montague, Michigan, told me she was nosing around a wind farm in 2010 and spotted a large pile of dead birds. I told her to go back and get images, but the birds had vanished. She has been fighting against wind projects ever since.
The wind industry has gag clauses written into with lease-holder and employee contracts. This way, the filled carts, images, and body disposals are kept hidden. (See the sample, below, quoted verbatim from a lease-holder contract.)