Phone Falmouth, now! (MA)
Apr 3, 2012

From the people who asked you to attend yesterday’s demonstration at the Lawrence Middle School in Falmouth, Massachusetts: The meeting continues today, April 3, 2012, starting at 6 pm.
We are asking everyone in the world to phone in to the Town of Falmouth. Tell them to “Shut down the wind turbines!” If you are a WTS sufferer, it is imperative that you call—from whatever country you live in.
Call Mary Pat Flynn, Chairperson of the Board of Selectmen, 508-495-7320, 508-548-7611, and (Please call and then follow-up with an email.)
Additional information: The Falmouth Town Meeting, which began yesterday, April 2, will resume tonight at 7:00p.m. EDST with Article 22 to complete action on the thirty-two articles on the warrant.
Article 23 calls for the temporary shutdown of the two municipal wind turbines until November, when the town completes a review of pertinent factors connected to the health and noise issues raised by residents, and convenes another Town Meeting.
So, please take a moment out of your busy day (or night) and PHONE-IN. We think you’ll be glad you did!
Comment by Marsh Rosenthal on 04/03/2012 at 4:49 pm
Thanx, Calvin!
Comment by Kaz on 04/03/2012 at 9:42 pm
Thanks for this, Calvin. I sent a quick email right before the 7:00 p.m. meeting:
“Good afternoon,
“I am writing from rural Maine, which is currently experiencing massive wind development in order to supply power to the ISONE grid–due to the high demand for electricity in urban New England. Already, more than 200 high-impact wind turbines have been erected along Maine’s ridgelines, as well as inserted into small communities such as Vinalhaven, Freedom and Mars Hill.
“Yes, more than 200 turbines have already been built. The casualties to the environment and the people of Maine are mounting. Every single wind development in Maine which has been sited too close to residences has been involved in litigation. At the Public Hearing last summer before Maine’s Bureau of Environmental Protection, citizens from every operating development testified to health problems, loss of quality of life, loss of real estate values. Some have abandoned their homes…walked out, moved away…their dream homes empty. Others have no option, and give their children sleeping pills at night. Bedrooms have been added to basements to try to find relief from the low and ultra-low pressure noise emitted by wind turbines.
“In September the BEP approved those stricter noise rule standards which were requested, and the Maine Legislature just approved the BEP’s changes two weeks ago. The science is available and the testimonies of sufferers are mounting all around the globe.
“Please be brave. Please put the health and well-being of your citizens above the financial issues at hand. Money can be raised to take the turbines down. But people only get one shot at a healthy and happy life. Please make the right choice. Shut the Falmouth turbines down. And consider the fact that the wind company knew about the impacts of their project. This technology has been around for years, and countries like Denmark, which once invested heavily in wind–have put on the brakes. No more subsidies for wind, and much stricter sound regulations. Let’s learn from their experiences.
“Please take care of your own. And feel free to contact me for any documentation needed to back up claims made on this topic. If I don’t have the documentation here, I can get it.”
Thank you.
Karen Bessey Pease
Lexington Twp., Maine