Oregon “wind energy health report” invites comments
Jan 4, 2012

Editor’s note: Want to read the State of Oregon’s official view of wind turbine health impacts? Click here.
Want to tell Oregon it’s a lot of wind industry smoke & mirrors and, well, horseshit? Or tell them it’s dandy? You’re welcome to! See, below. (Note: If you tell them it’s horseshit, they will ignore you. If you tell them it’s brilliant, they’ll use you as evidence that they’re correct. We have not yet read the report. It could be junk or dandy.)
Our appreciation to Steve Thurston, Maine, for alerting us to this document.
This report is being released for public comment. This is an opportunity for anyone to review and comment on the document. These comments will be considered for the final version of this report.
Public comments must be submitted by 5 PM (Pacific Standard Time) on March 30th, 2012. Public comments can be submitted via email to windhia@state.or.us, or via postal mail to:
Wind HIA Comments
Office of Environmental Public Health
800 NE Oregon St., Suite 640
Portland, OR 97232The Oregon Public Health Division will consider every comment received by the deadline. Because we anticipate a large volume of comments, we do not plan to respond individually to each comment submitted.
Comment by Preston McClanahan on 01/05/2012 at 1:38 pm
Dear Oregon People RE: Health problems from wind plants/turbines:
Forewarned is forearmed. Please take note of the recent health problems from wind turbines too close to residences in Falmouth, MA. and be duly informed. The Falmouth example will occur anywhere commercial/industrial wind plants are sited closer than a 1.25 mile setback to a lived-in home.
Note: Consult a reliable sound engineer on turbine noise and ultra sound effects. I recommend Rick James or Robert Rand.
Editor’s note: I believe Professor McClanahan means “infrasound,” not “ultrasound.”