“Karen has resolved to dig in and fight”: The true story of a woman battling Wind Turbine Syndrome (Mass.)
Jul 6, 2012

—Curt Devlin, Fairhaven, MA
Karen Isherwood does not think of herself as a victim. She’s a fighter, perhaps I should say a combatant. Every day, she gets up in the morning and goes toe to toe with lymphatic cancer.
When you first meet Karen, her diminutive stature might lead you to believe she is a pushover, but that would be a mistake. She is tough, she has stamina, and she has a great team in her corner. Her daughters, Chelsea and Leah, are always there for her. Chelsea still lives at home and helps support the household because Karen has not been able to work since 2010. Fighting cancer is a full time job for her.
She has good doctors, too, ones she has gradually come to trust. Above all, they emphasize how important it is for her to nurture and strengthen her immune system. To do this, she has to eat right, get good sleep and, most importantly, she has to avoid stress as much as possible.
Till recently, Karen lived in the ideal place to follow her doctors’ orders. You could say she had the home field advantage. She lives in what was once an idyllic little cul-de-sac in Fairhaven, MA called Teal Circle. There’s no traffic at all, it is quiet, and she gets along well with her neighbors who share the circle. Shady woods loft directly behind her house. Beyond the woods, there is a quiet, marshy estuary flowing into Little Bay—a beautiful nook tucked into a recess of Buzzards Bay.
Karen chose this location with great care almost 25 five years ago, when she got married. For all these years, song birds have serenaded her, hawks have hunted there, and the deer visit to take advantage of the salt lick she puts out at the edge of her property.
Like many people who live here, Karen is very proud of her Portuguese-American heritage and her family who has made this area its home for four generations. Her place on Teal Circle is more than a piece of property, even more than a home; it is part of her roots and identity. This is where she raised her family and where she has every intention of seeing her grandchildren grow up.
She had no intention of leaving this place—until recently.
The other day, something ominous happened. Her neighbor’s dog fell down the stairs. Ordinarily, you would not think of this as a remarkable event, but in this case it could be.
Karen knows why it happened.
When he took his dog to the vet, her neighbor expected the worst. So he was surprised to learn his dog had vertigo. Vertigo (dizziness) can usually be treated with the same kind of medicine you take for seasickness. This event is ominous because vertigo is one of the signature symptoms of a much bigger problem, something called Wind Turbine Syndrome. Vertigo is just one of the symptoms commonly caused by the low frequency sound emitted by large industrial turbines. Two of most common symptoms are sleeplessness and an otherwise unexplained anxiety.
In short, it is the worst nightmare for someone battling lymphatic cancer.
Early this spring, Charlie Murphy, Michael Sylvia, and Brian Bowcock, the Fairhaven Select board, secretly conspired with Executive Secretary Jeffry Osuch to put up 2 large turbines just 1300 feet from Karen’s home. This was done in secrecy because the original plan, concocted by Sylvia, Bowcock and Manzone was defeated legally in 2008. The new plan included a dubious wind developer calling itself Fairhaven Wind, LLC.
Teal Circle is now in the shadow of these 400 foot, life-destroying mechanical monsters that assault Karen randomly yet relentlessly, spewing toxic noise—day and night, 365 days a year. Many healthy people are forced to leave their homes when subjected this onslaught of audible and inaudible noise. Living in the shadow of turbines is extremely stressful and there is a growing body of medical evidence to prove it.
For Karen, however, the onslaught could be catastrophic. Neither she nor her daughter, Chelsea, is sleeping well anymore. This has already begun to impact Chelsea’s performance at work, a job which is critical for her own career as well as helping to support the household.
Karen knows that she desperately needs rest, relaxation, and good sleep to win her fight against cancer. But she also knows that what happened to the neighbor’s dog is one more indication that the odds are turning against her. Her neighbors, Chris and Peter Goben, are subjected to hellacious flicker each sunny morning. (Try to imagine living somewhere that makes you hope you do not have bright sun and a breeze.) Karen knows that she will have to face this flicker herself this fall when the leaves drop, behind her house.
Karen is losing the home field advantage.
Put in this seemingly no-win situation, most of us would cut our losses and run. But not Karen. The selectmen made the mistake of underestimating her courage and resolve to fight. She has joined other abutters in Little Bay in a lawsuit against the town and against Fairhaven Wind, LLC.

Sumul Shah
Sumul Shah, Fairhaven Wind’s CEO, has met with Karen to offer her “mitigations.” In this context, mitigations denote steps like putting central air in your home or sound proofing your bedroom, ostensibly to reduce the effects of turbine noise.
Apparently, Shah is willing to throw her a bone to keep her quiet. Of course, Karen has educated herself, so she knows these mitigations are entirely ineffective against turbine infrasound and low frequency noise.
Recently, she made it clear that she is holding the town responsible for what happens to her health. She also pointed out how preposterous and bitterly ironic it is to run air conditioning and consume more power to protect herself and Chelsea from this so-called “green” technology.
Karen Isherwood has courage and tenacity, but she’s facing ferocious odds and she knows it. She knows time is not on her side. She wants people to understand she cannot fight these odds alone. People who are getting sick need to come forward and join the fight. She realizes that many people still do not understand that it is the toxicity of the turbine noise that is making them ill. She also realizes that many people are less sensitive to turbines. It may take some longer to begin to get sick, but she has to fight now. She knows that those who are affected will sink or swim together.
Fairhaven Wind and town officials have confronted her with “Hobson’s choice.” Soon her choice could become as stark as “leave or die.”
Karen doesn’t want to either; she has resolved to dig in and fight. She wants to remain party to the lawsuit and hopes to regain the peaceful enjoyment of her beloved home. She wants to live to enjoy the natural beauty and delights of her own backyard and share them with her grandchildren.
Time, however, may be running out for her. Justice delayed is truly justice denied in her case. It is no metaphor or exaggeration to say she is in a fight for her life.
Like Jenny (see “Jenny took enough pills to end her life”: The true story of a Wind Turbine Syndrome victim), I have come to consider Karen a good friend. So, if it does come down to this choice, I hope Karen will carefully consider Jenny’s warning. “We need to get the message out to all turbine sufferers. . . . No location is worth dying for.” I know Karen is thinking about this idea because she told me that Dartmouth, a town nearby, recently passed a bylaw prohibiting turbines.
Perhaps Dartmouth has a place of respite for a turbine refugee who wants to put out a salt lick for the deer, sleep with the windows open, and live to see her grandchildren.
I hope so. For her sake, for Chelsea’s sake, for Leah’s—and my sake. The world is a better place with friends like Karen in it.
Comment by preston mcclanahan on 07/06/2012 at 6:49 pm
Right on!
Forwarding to the likes of Steve Urbon.
And, filing this one to convince others that the wind inter prize [enterprise?] is totally futile and dangerous.
Comment by johana on 07/06/2012 at 8:12 pm
From one IWT refugee to another – all the best.
Knowing the three pillars of optimal health is NOT enough.
Although getting ~ 30 minutes of exercise every day helps very much in producing the hormones which stimulate wellness and
providing every body cell with the greatest amount of nutrition for the fewest calories is exemplary, these can not surmount the debilitating effect of sleeplessness and absence of restorative sleep for those of us who live as we do in the Ontario
Clear Creek/Cultus/Frogmore Industrial Wind Turbine ZONE.
Our tiny community which had ~ 72 residents, who signed a petition saying they were being affected in one way or another, living in ~ 140 houses surrounded within a 1.8 mile radius by 18 Vestas 1.65 MW IWTs, has dwindled to < 60 in the last three years and has gone through an inordinant number of adverse events in that brief time.
We've had a successful suicide, a suicide which did not succeed and that resident had to leave, several heart bypass surgeries, strokes and unspecified medical stresses, an abandoned house which was subjected to arson, a property which was sold for ~$100 000 less than its appraised value [an approximate 36% loss], the purchasers of two adjacent properties turned out to be a marijuana growing operation [how's that for community spirit?]
The Canadian tendency to be taciturn and wary of people not born in their community leave many Victims of IWTs alone to suffer the adverse effects of low frequency vibrations and infrasound. But here, too there are the same rare individuals who, like Karen, WILL NOT capitulate to the IWT bullies.
Comment by Andreas Marciniak on 07/09/2012 at 4:50 am
Hi Karen Isherwood you have courage and tenacity. I know you think that time is not on your side but don’t give up the fight and you never know what can happen and I wish that you will be a winner in both of your fights, your Not in this fight alone. People who are getting sick need to come forward and join the fight and there is more and more doing just that all over the World. I realizes that many people still do not understand that it is the toxicity of the turbine noise that is making them very sick.I also realizes that many people are less sensitive to turbines but found here in South Australia (at Waterloo ) it is only a matter of time,for some it was only week and others 12 month or more and I had friends coming for visits and felt ill with in half hour of being at my home ( his age 82) . It may take some longer to begin to get sick, lets swim together.
I wish you all the best.
From a Wind Turbine refugee
Comment by jenny on 07/09/2012 at 11:48 am
Dear Karen,
I admire your dedication but please love, save yourself and get away from there. Live to fight another day.
That is what I am doing. I am the Jenny in the story and have come to realize how finite and fragile my life has become since the God forsaken turbine began it’s work on me. I stay away from it as much as I can now and will with a little luck be moving out of range and abandoning my toxic ship very soon. I am not as sick and not depressed if I stay away from here.
I will fight as soon as I get to a safe distance and gain my strength back. After 2 years of exposure regaining my health has not been anywhere near as easy as I thought it would have been… and I am not battling cancer.
Please dear lady, do not gamble.
I also believe that it has effects on everyone, although some are less evident initially, no one is actually “immune.” My whole neighborhood has gone from happyville to complicated and very testy. It’s the infrasound. I have no doubt and it will be proven.
But I really don’t think you or I need to stick around to be the first dead guinea pigs.
No one will save us in time except for ourselves. And nobody really cares all that much to help us just yet. So I will pray you remove yourself from more harm. Less is best if it means life or quality of life and we are all too fleeting in this world anyway. All you have is your health and your family… value it over everything else and God Bless.
Please take this 2 cents as intended…from a sister in arms so to speak.
Curt knows me and can give you my number if you want to get together… hugs and health….”Jenny…”
Comment by Marie Burton on 07/10/2012 at 3:30 am
To Karen, There are many people on side with you. I am part of a group called Flyers Creek Wind Turbine Awareness Group in the Central West of New South Wales Australia where Infigen want to erect 44 x 150m high turbines in a beautiful agricultural area with a number of people with specific health problems including a young woman with a severe heart problem, another mercury poisoning, arachnoiditis and diabetes. You can imagine the same as yourself a couple of others with cancer. We do not want or need such a complex not a farm as the wind industry describes it but to us an industrial complex. We realise that you have the same problems as us with fighting an industry with loads of government-funded money and small communities. If there is anything we can help you with please dont hesitate to contact. Hopefully you have internet access as you can see many people, many countries are against wind development which exists because the governments prop them up. Marie Burton.
Comment by Johannes Karl Marciniak on 07/10/2012 at 3:43 am
Hi all . I’m john a Windrarm refugee. If I had not moved I would have been Dead 1 year ago. The only mistake we made is we moved 25km down the road in the same valley and 6 month ago we could start feeling them here, we have 37 Vestas 3mw turbines. So now we are looking to move again , as becomes unbearable. I think Windfarms should be totaly BANNED. And look at the latest Fusion Power, at least we only need a few not Hundrets of thousant of these evil monsters…