Mar 12, 2012

Dear Calvin,
Congratulations to your restarting the website!
The Anti-Wind Turbine Movement got back its leading information website! Thanks!
With all our best wishes to you and Nina and so many thanks for your enormous help.
Jutta Reichardt & Marco Bernardi
Neuendorf—Sachsenbande (Germany)
Sprecherin der EPAW für Deutschland
Europäische Plattform gegen Windkraftanlagen
Internationales Informationsportal (IIP)
Member of:
Save The Eagles International
Für Mensch und Natur—Gegenwind Schleswig-Holstein
Landesverband der Windkraftgegner
Comment by Richard Wilson on 10/24/2012 at 4:52 am
Hello Jutta,
The energy situation in Germany seems to be reaching “boiling point” as too many windmills have been built, which has thrown the economy in disarray. If my analysis is correct, I would be interested in some hard facts as to how this unacceptable economic situation has arisen. (Spain and France seem to be in the same mess.)
Our Swiss Energy Minister, Mme. Doris Leuthard, declares this problem can’t happen in Switzerland!
For your information, I am Vice-President of “Les Travers du Vent“, in the Val-de-Travers, Neuchâtel, Western Switzerland. We are trying to stop the erection of some 100 wind turbines on the ridges above our valley, pop. 12,000.
All the best,
Richard Wilson
2105 Travers
Comment by Nilanthi Perera on 06/27/2013 at 9:13 pm
Hello Jutta,
I am so very happy to see you here. I am so proud of you doing this for you and the others.
More than anything I am so glad that I have found you once again. I never stopped thinking about you and was wondering what had happened. You told me that you have a illness and with that my thoughts were running wild. Marco did not know who I am and I did not have Bernd’s information to contact him. Anyway please write to me or email me and want to catch-up with you my dear sis.
+61 0422 965 086 is my phone number
You take care, and love to you and Marco