Board of Health asks State for “emergency financial relocation assistance” for Wind Turbine Syndrome victims (Wisconsin)
Mar 30, 2012

Finally, a Board of Health does its job!
Editor’s note: The Brown County (Wisconsin) Board of Health has issued the following formal request to the State of Wisconsin.
We have been told that the Brown County Human Services Committee (which oversees the County Board of Health) passed the same resolution, though with somewhat more explicit and tougher language. Both the Human Services Committee and Board of Health passed this resolution unanimously.
We urge you to contact Judy Friederichs, RN, BSN, Director of the Board of Health, and congratulate her for making history! So far as we know, this is the first instance of this happening . . . in the world. Let us all hope and pray that Boards of Health around the world will now have the courage to follow Brown County’s lead! To reach Ms. Friederichs, call (920) 448-6400, fax (920) 448-6449, or click here to send her an email. We believe you can also use this email address: Overwhelm this good woman with congratulations and support!
Click here for the entire document.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Brown County Board of Health formally requests temporary emergency financial relocation assistance from the State of Wisconsin for those Brown County families that are suffering adverse health effects and undue hardships caused by the irresponsible placement of industrial wind turbines around their homes and property. The State of Wisconsin emergency financial assistance is requested until the conditions that have caused these undue hardships are studied and resolved, allowing these families to once again return safely to their homes and property.”
Comment by Marsh Rosenthal on 03/30/2012 at 12:24 pm
Kudos to Ms. Judy Friederichs and the other members of the Brown County Health Board. She leads by example. I hope the lilly livered, toadies who occupy the health boards in my state of Massachusetts are paying attention.
The people who have had the monster wind turbines parked next to them don’t need any more studies or official pontifications from “the state”; they need relief in the form of action.
States must take responsibility for their greedy actions and pay their residents for their pain and losses. Incompetent health officials must be shown the door if they won’t do their jobs.
Comment by thebiggreenlie on 03/30/2012 at 7:13 pm
A small light at the end of a very dark tunnel for sure! I just wish our politicians here in Ontario Canada had the courage to stand up for the people who pay them to exist! The CITIZENS!
We are all in this struggle together regardless of what Country we live in. This Wind Scam is universal and the politicians and criminal developers along with the corrupt lobby groups should all be charged with “Crimes against Humanity”!
Treat these people with zero respect, take any legal actions you can against them, and never stop fighting.
Our countries fought 2 World Wars to protect us from evil like this!
Comment by sue Hobart on 03/30/2012 at 7:25 pm
great news… put me on the list if Falmouth ever gets such a backbone~ well done board of health!!!!
Comment by Wanda Allott on 04/02/2012 at 1:37 am
best news I have heard in a long time,
long sufferer form Waterloo Australia
we keep fighting.
Comment by Jutta Reichardt on 04/02/2012 at 9:28 pm
Unbelievable for us in Germany! What great news!
We’ll put it immediately on, suitable for the day of protest against wind power on April 3rd.
Jutta & Marco