“April 3: Outrage Against Windpower Fascism” (European Platform against Windfarms)
Apr 2, 2012

Editor’s note: The following call to civil disobedience is being issued by the European Platform against Windfarms (EPAW). Read it and appreciate the groundswell of global rage that is building against wind energy.
Opposition to windpower fascism is spreading across the world. From Canada to New Zealand, there are today over 2,800 citizen groups fighting against the corruption, the speculation, and the violence to populations (human & nonhuman) carried out in the name of windpower.
We have listed 732 websites which carry the voice of these opponents. This list is far from complete.
On April 3rd, 2012, groups from Ontario (Canada) will mobilize to show their discontent. In Germany, other groups will act in various ways to express their solidarity with their Canadian colleagues, and with all the others that are fighting against windpower fascism around the world.”
Comment by Marsh Rosenthal on 04/02/2012 at 7:42 pm
Thank God for the decent people of the world!
Comment by Melodie Burkett on 04/02/2012 at 10:49 pm
GOD LOVE ALL OF YOU! This is it Calvin and Nina; this is the moment in history we waited so long for … we can all be so proud of.
Mike and Melodie Burkett XXXXX00000
Ontario, CANADA
Canada won’t let us down; she won’t let you down. I promise.
Comment by Barbara Durkin on 04/03/2012 at 2:57 am
You were with us in spirit, Nina and Calvin et al, holding our anti-wind signs at the Middle School in Falmouth tonight. On this we agree. This is war waged against basic human rights. We answer the call, but not so resoundingly as you and Nina have.
We are blessed by your kindness and Irishness. You enjoyed yourself with your comrades.
Thank You 🙂
Barbara Durkin
Comment by Alan Harper on 04/03/2012 at 7:58 am
Please, please remember, as we fight these noisy, vibrating monstrosities with the non-recyclable GRP rotors and indestructible concrete bases, machines inclusive of magnetic materials of toxically sourced neo-dymium, that to suggest they can be constructed and justified offshore, in lieu of onshore, dilutes the technological, economic and environmental battle against energy policies which involve “green” “renewables” in our Northern and Southern hemispheres.
Besides, offshore cost per Unit, and maintenance is MUCH more expensive and none of us want electricity bills deliberately increased by political ignorance and sophistic, shamanistic doctrine.
Who has calculated the additional costs of the copper/steel or aluminium/steel local distribution cables enforced to include these forms of energy generation? The earth’s resources are extremely scarce and not duplicated.
Who has calculated the additional cost of physician and hospital services to deal with the increasing health and mental problems arising from the aero-generator created noise and vibration?
Aero-generators [aka wind turbines] and industrial wind power stations [aka “cosy” PR’ed wind-farms] are destroying our fragile world.
For technical reference, review the energy density of 1 kg of compared fuels with the level of energy to be humanly releaseable from that fuel:
Consider 1kg of moving air as giving 1 unit,
1kg of moving water gives 1,000 times air,
1kg of biomass/wood gives 30,000,000 times air,
1kg of coal, oil or gas gives 100,000,000 times air, and
1kg of nuclear gives 100,000,000,000,000 times 1kg of air.
It’s not difficult to see why scientists, engineers, miners and entrepreneurs concluded the best way to cheaply, securely and demandably, service [since the Industrial Revolution] mankind’s electricity and energy needs has to be fossil fuel and nuclear, especially with exploding populations. The extra carbon dioxide emissions help provide food, oxygen and water for a starving and drought-ridden world, but we need 1,100-1,200 ppmv rather than a measly 380.
Sorry, I cannot do more than fight this world destruction on other than technical grounds; as a qualified engineer, I have learnt to trust the proven science.
Comment by Flatroofer (UK) on 04/04/2012 at 3:43 am
Every one concerned with wind power is fully aware that it is a gigantic fraud. The problem we have is the evil people behind this concept. There is so much money involved it is now controlled by gangsters who control national governments.