Aghast at wind turbines! (Mass.)
Mar 16, 2012

“All I can say is—’WOW!'”
—John Methia, South Coast Today (3/16/12)
Now that the twin turbines are being erected let the WOW! factor kick in.
WOW! It’s high; I can see it from my house! WOW! It’s going to be right there?
WOW! I really can hear it from where I live, they said I wouldn’t?
WOW! Look at all of the trees that were cut down and forest trampled for this “Green” project!
WOW! Where has the wildlife gone?
WOW! Aren’t they kind of close to the bike path?
WOW! What’s that swooshing sound? This used to be a serene and relaxing walk!
WOW! I thought my taxes and electric bill would be going down? WOW! Close the blinds!
WOW! Now I can see why Mattapoisett, Wareham, Dartmouth, Bourne and New Bedford said NO! WOW! Who do I call about this sound?
WOW! Maybe those things are too close to the new Wood school site? Why didn’t we know about this before the vote? WOW! Didn’t a member of the Board of Selectmen say you would barely see them over the treeline?
WOW! Now I can see why town officials asked the developer to keep this “low key.”
WOW! Our Board of Health is failing us in not acting to protect our health and wellbeing, as the town of Bourne’s Board of Health has!
WOW! Shall we re-draw the town seal? Our picturesque and historic skyline has changed forever! WOW! These twin turbines have divided our good town with the literal overshadowing of what could have been a wonderful 200th birthday celebration! WOW!
Now it’s time to act, time for the political machine that is behind the backroom and executive session dealings responsible for this to be replaced, so (with apologies to The Who) we won’t be WOWed again!
Comment by Dawn Devlin on 03/16/2012 at 6:18 pm
WOW is right. Already one accident from people driving by the monster in shock at the sight. Now all the town is talking about how big it is. Now the town is putting zoning in place so they won’t have one in their backyard!! WOW!

Comment by Frank Haggerty on 03/16/2012 at 6:43 pm
These 1.5 MW mega turbines like the Fairhaven wind turbines are reported to be emitting more low frequency noise (LFN) than smaller models, and this causes more people to be affected, and over greater distances, by the usual symptoms of the Wind Turbine Syndrome (WTS): insomnia, headaches, nausea, stress, poor ability to concentrate, irritability, etc., leading to poorer health and a reduced immunity to illness.
The Bank of America Building is the tallest building in the city of Providence and the state of Rhode Island, and the 28th tallest in New England. Standing at 428 feet (130 m) and comprising 26 floors, it was the third tallest building in New England when completed.
The Fairhaven, Massachusetts wind turbine to the top of the blade is the same height including its height above mean sea level.
Fairhaven, Massachusetts, a residential community, has a population of around 20,000.
Over 50 residents of Falmouth, Massachusetts became ill from the Wind 1 turbine. Fairhaven has ten times the population of Falmouth living within 3000 feet of its Chinese, Sinovel wind turbine . . .

Comment by preston mcclanahan on 03/16/2012 at 8:09 pm
Our small popoulation in Savoy, Western Massachusetts is woefully ignorant of the risks it faces with the wind plants proposed for the the town. Anywhere you look there are promising sites for the turbines. Very few in this town understand what is at stake, notwithstanding the insistent warnings from a very few of us. The “Savoyards” here discount all that we warn. Perhaps if we encouraged and even abetted one turbine to be up and running (i.e., Mr. Sadin’s single turbine on Griffin Hill), maybe the town would realize by actual experience how horrific the fallout would be to the surrounding neighborhood. And then, looking head, the town would reverse regulations favoring industrial wind turbinres as useles, obsolete money-makers for investors derived from our tax monies.
Comment by Andreas Marciniak on 03/17/2012 at 6:54 am
We have 3 MW turbines, 37 of them, on our ridge here in Waterloo, South Australia. (WOW, a disaster zone!) Funny, we where told the same WOW’s before they but our turbines up, and we have been since trying to warn all the people from small towns and farms around the world.
WOW! They are very big!