Wind factories and “The Sea Around Us” (Rachel Carson)
Feb 9, 2011

—Calvin Luther Martin, PhD
Here’s where the feds (Interior Dept and Dept of Energy) intend to install wind factories.
How does this square with “Fish and Wind Turbines Don’t Mix“? (Consider, as well, “Wind Turbines in Lake Michigan.”)
What will the acoustic waste products do to sealife—to the last wild place?
As a philosopher of history, I ask what it will do to whatever remains embedded within us of the ancient birthright of humanness. That “thoughtworld” Aldous Huxley called Mind at Large. That cognitive commonwealth of “wildness” that made us what we are.
The implications are deeply troubling.
It is a dilemma Rachel Carson and Aldo Leopold likewise worried about.
Now, perhaps more than ever, it is upon us.
Comment by Pauline Davis on 02/11/2011 at 7:55 pm
Hello Calvin,
A VICTORY for “Anti Wind Turbines Activists” in Ontario, Canada.
The current Minister of Environment in Ontario, Canada, John Wilkinson (Liberal Party) now in power in Ontario, Canada just announced that they will not proceed with the Wind Turbine Farm Project proposed for Lake Ontario off the Scarborough Bluffs next to Toronto.
“NO” OFF SHORE WIND TURBINES in Lake Ontario, the project abandoned—for now, anyway. But, there are still many ignorant (not informed) people that think it should proceed.
Unfortunately, there is an up-coming provincial election this year in Ontario!
John Wilkinson cited that there are no wind turbines in the any of the five Great Lakes currently (drinking water for millions), the present scientific information does not support the project and the further amount of electricity such a wind farm would eventually produce for usage would be an insignificant amount in the scheme of things.
Pauline Davis
NB Canada