“Wind Energy and Health”: Special issue of science journal
Aug 26, 2011

—Calvin Luther Martin, PhD
Late last month we drew your attention to a Special Issue of the Bulletin of Science, Technology, and Society, devoted to Wind Energy and Health. (Yes, this is a peer-reviewed journal.) The articles are important; it’s worth underscoring this once again. (Unfortunately, you have to buy them from the Bulletin, and they ain’t cheap.)
Dr. Helen Parker (Lic. Clinical Psychologist, Martha’s Vineyard, MA) has kindly put together a PDF of all the article abstracts. Reading merely the abstracts, it becomes clear that Big Wind’s knee-jerk denial of health impacts is a public health outrage and an insult to intelligence—a point Pierpont and others have made for years. Big Wind’s across-the-board culture of denial has reached the point of outright buffoonery. (One thinks of the Libyan bully, Muammar Gaddafi, a past master of similar buffoonery—now finally toppled by an outraged and insulted citizenry.)
Gaddafi: Outrageous, insulting bully. Patron Saint of Wind Energy (nominated by WTS.com)
Fast forward to reality. We especially urge you to read Dr. Carl Phillips’s magisterial analysis of the existing research on Wind Turbine Syndrome.
Phillips is a Harvard-trained PhD specializing in public policy and epidemiology. He has held a major post-doctoral fellowship in this field and has been faculty in schools of public health at several prominent universities.
Comment by Mary on 09/11/2011 at 9:02 pm
Wind Turbine Syndrome is finally beginning to get the attention it needs and deserves. Will pay for the entire abstract to read this. I do have to say, however, that the comparison to Gaddhafi is not a good one. We are not in Libya for humanitarian reasons but are there because of his progress in creating the African Union and his efforts at changing to the gold standard – which would be devastating to the US and our drive to create an empire. We can’t very well complain about the politicizing of issues like “wind energy” and then throw in a political slant.