“We now see families leaving their homes,” reports physician (Denmark)
May 26, 2011

To: Editor, WindTurbineSyndrome.com
From: Mauri Johansson, MD, MHH (Bording, Denmark)
Regarding: Wind turbines in Denmark
Date: May 26, 2011
Many thanks for posting the article, “We were compelled to leave the site due to severe nausea” (Australia). A clear and revealing report!
The picture looks very similar to our experience in Denmark. We now see families leaving their homes, even here.
The public debate in Denmark has been vivid, and continues to go on countrywide, including on radio and TV.
Our organization against these gigantic wind turbines has now more than 100 local groups. Many communities are stopping their turbine plans.
Yesterday, the Danish Ministry of Environment and the Environmental Protection Agency announced that they plan to reduce the maximum level of low frequent noise (including infrasound) to 20 dB indoors. In open landscapes throughout Denmark the wind turbines are allowed to deliver noise up to 44 dB all day and night outdoors to neighbors, in contrast to traffic and industrial noise, where there are limitations during nighttime hours. There is also a rule that neighbors are not allowed to live closer than 4 times the maximum height of the turbine, which is obviously too close. However, if the new indoor maximum is accepted by law, it will probably be this limit that regulates the minimum distance to neighbors.
So, we have a feeling that something positive is happening.
Unfortunately the medical establishment and health agencies are ignorant, I am sad to say. The wind turbine industry is strongly resisting any change. The medical authorities employ engineers, not physicians, to analyze the relationship between turbines and human health. This is an outrage. Moreover, the engineers oftentimes have a close connection to the wind industry.
Nevertheless, the fight goes on, here. There are still several open questions: (a) measuring protocols, especially low frequency noise (down to 0 Hz), (b) establishment of public offices for control measures where there is annoyance, and (c) other basic requirements to protect human health.
With all best wishes to Nina.