The “Green & Ribnick Report” (Australia)
Mar 22, 2011

It begins with . . .
After traveling to Australia and meeting with and interviewing dozens of people who have been profoundly adversely impacted by industrial wind turbines or are fighting the construction of wind turbines in their communities, we now understand with certainty that the very dramatic and real problems with wind energy are much, much worse than we had previously imagined.”
By two healthcare professionals . . .
Preston Ribnick is President and Lilli-Ann Green is CEO of Professional Resource Group (PRG), a USA company established in 1979. For over 30 years, PRG has been a major player in healthcare quality improvement, consulting and market research.”
And it’s stunning. Click here to read it.
It will change the way you think about wind energy.
Comment by Bob on 03/22/2011 at 7:37 pm
The truth will out.
This report hopefully will have the impact that it merits.
Anyone who has engaged with victims recognizes the veracity of the clams by the victims of IWT in Australia. It is certainly the same in Ontario and I suspect everywhere where industrial wind turbines have been erected.
When will governments cease being run by lobbyists? Sadly, Public Health officials who support IWT are just as guilty as the politicians.
A day of reckoning draws ever nearer.
Comment by Trina S. Sternstein on 03/23/2011 at 8:10 am
Spreading this information is very important. Please keep it up.
Comment by Jenny Cardenas on 05/09/2012 at 1:05 pm
Any ideas how to stop a project here at my commuity in Milan, New Hampshire? People are not being informed of the real risks and dangers of this. I feel like I am battling alone. I think the truth has to be revealed.