“Should Uncle Sam subsidize Big Wind?” (Wall St Jour)
Apr 1, 2011

Editor’s note: Click here to read the short article in the Wall St Journal, and be sure to cast your vote about federal subsidies to “renewable energy”—basically, a euphemism for wind energy.
Comment by Melodie Burkett (Ontario, Canada) on 04/01/2011 at 4:44 pm
Tables are turning . . . public is getting educated. The awakening has begun.
Now keep fighting to compensate the sick, exploited, poor and the weary.
Comment by Brad Blake (Cape Elizabeth, Maine) on 04/01/2011 at 6:00 pm
I read the comments. Even on the WSJ, which did a strongly worded editorial against ethanol and wind subsidies back in December, there were comments in favor of wind subsidies. Here is an excerpt: “Talk about throwing good money after bad. Despite more than $30 billion in subsidies for ‘clean energy’ in the 2009 stimulus bill, Big Wind still can’t make it in the marketplace.”
Comment by Barb Stussy (New Jersey) on 04/02/2011 at 1:34 pm
Melodie from Ontario, CANADA, is correct. The public continues to need to be educated about Big Wind. The wind doesn’t blow all the time. It is unreliable, impractical and cannot stand on its own without subsidies. Wake up people! Keep spreading the word.