Senate Committee whitewashes Wind Turbine Syndrome (Australia)
Jun 25, 2011

The Australian Senate Committee, which spent weeks listening to testimony on wind turbines and health, has issued its final report. (Click here to read it and here for the source.)
Let’s restate that. The Australian Senate Committee, which spent weeks of taxpayer money listening to testimony on wind turbines and health, wasted everyone’s time. Including their own.
Many of us suspected it would be a farce from the outset: a pretense of weighty deliberation on the health impacts of wind turbines—obviously placed too damn close to people’s homes, for Chrissakes!
Our hunch was prophetic; it was in fact a farce. A political football game coached by Big Wind. It’s a game which the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council (NH&MRC) continues to play in its own craven way.
Bottom line: Despite much official posturing and expense and time, rural Australians will continue to suffer from Wind Turbine Syndrome. There will be no relief.
Our advice to Australians (and others around the world) regarding future “government” hearings into the matter of WTS? Don’t participate. Boycott! It’s a hoax. A hoax for suckers.