“I’ve experienced never-before health events” (Ontario, Canada)
Mar 25, 2011

Dear WTS-com,
I have read several of your articles forwarded to me by Barrie Gilbert, and ask you please to add me to your mailing list.
I live at 9 Mile Point, Simcoe Island, separated from 86 wind turbines (on Wolfe Island) by the narrow Batteau Chanel.
Since the operation of these giants, I’ve experienced never-before health events, including loss of balance, mini-strokes, dizziness and suspected peripheral neuropathy.
“Simcoe Island Sunrise,” by Fred & Julie Bertram
Other members of my community are similarily affected.
One of many who objected to Council in the planning stages due to environmental concerns, as you will know, our concerns were over-ridden by the then Township Council on the basis of generated income. It felt like a hostile take-over without a vestige of democratic process, leaving the island communities divided and angry.
“Simcoe Island Golden Field,” by Fred & Julie Bertram
I’m presently in Australia, where I live part-time, in Sydney, arriving in November after experiencing many falls due to loss of balance and a series of mini-strokes on Simcoe Island in late September 2010. I note a reduction of those symptoms and no new events here whilst undergoing extensive medical tests locally to determine the cause.
So far we have found no physical basis for my events.
I’ve been reading excerpts of your Dr. Pierpont’s book, and also similar studies by Dr. Sarah Laurie in Australia. (I’ll buy Dr Pierpont’s book as soon as I return to Simcoe Island, mid-April.)
Thank you and with kind regards,
Carol Leonard
9 Mile Point
Simcoe Island K0H 2Y0 Ontario
Dear Carol,
Welcome to the eerie reality of Wind Turbine Syndrome! I’m not a physician, but you can probably stop going to doctors, searching for an explanation of what ails you. It’s almost certainly WTS. (I am copying this note to Dr. Sarah Laurie, by the way.)
I will not only add you to my mailing list, but I am going to ask your permission to post your note on the WTS-com site. People need to hear stories like yours: the huge and growing multitude of sufferers. The people who were laughed at and dismissed at all the phony “public hearings”—the people who are now the guinea pigs for industrial infrasound.
“Simcoe Island Foggy Field,” by Fred & Julie Bertram
I urge you to stay away from the turbines. There is a risk, I believe, in your WTS transitioning into Vibro-Acoustic Disease. (Again, I am not a clinician, so take my advice as that of a layman, albeit a layman who sleeps next to Dr. Nina Pierpont nightly.)
WTS is bad enough; VAD is worse.
Though this may sound lame, Nina & I are terribly sorry this has happened to you. And that it continues to happen.
I know Wolfe Island well; I was a Visiting Professor at Queen’s University (Kingston, Ontario) in 1978-79 academic year. I lived on Treasure Island, slightly east of Kingston, looking out at Wolfe.
I am heartbroken by the rape of Wolfe Island and river—the St. Lawrence, the Queen of North American Rivers!—and more than heartbroken for what it’s doing to the “flyway”—the antiseptic word we use for the immense river of birds that pours, twice yearly, through that island.
“Simcoe Island Morning,” by Fred & Julie Bertram
In my soul, I weep.
Blessings on you,
Comment by Tom Whitesell (Potsdam, New York) on 03/25/2011 at 5:49 pm
Ms. Leonard,
My heart goes out to you, and to all the people from around the world who report, as you have done, this distressing emergence of strange health issues arising from living near industrial wind turbines. I am a good friend of Dr. Pierpont and her husband Calvin Martin, on whose website WTS.com your letter was posted.
My heart also goes out to my own neighboring community in central St. Lawrence County, NY, which is beginning to experience the onslaught of Industrial Wind’s slick salesmanship and abuse of democratic process. I have lived in the area with my family for 23 years, and have many friends who will be mortified if this lovely rural area north of the Adirondacks is turned into an Industrial Wind Turbine Zone.
You can see the website I put up during the past 10 days, as a hurried attempt to address this matter by informing the people who, unlike myself, know next to nothing about their pending doom. see
If you would like to offer any advice to these residents of Parishville and Hopkinton, NY, I will make every effort to pass it along.
Tom Whitesell
Comment by Kerry B. Kenney (Illinois) on 03/25/2011 at 7:37 pm
Isn’t amazing how town councils care nothing about the residents after they have not been able to keep the budget under control and are in debt?
My wife and I live in Northern Boone County, Illinois in the United States. We are in a running battle with a company called Mainstream Renewable that is trying to get permission to put up 100 wind turbines, each 400 feet high. Our county council is looking to pay a 3/4 million dollar school district debt. Money spent they didn’t have.
When we went to one council member about concerns which have been studied in other areas about the turbines, his comment was, “You’re going to have to keep it personal. We are not interested in other areas of the country”!
At least we know the mindset of the people that are supposed to be watching out for the citizens, and can take the proper road towards stopping these from going in. We have no idea if the information we supply will even be read, but we have to try.
Thanks for your comments, and I hope you are able to stay away from the monsters that are causing your illness.
Once you are away from them, I bet you recover!
Comment by stephana johnston on 03/26/2011 at 10:17 pm
My hotmail account was hi-jacked! I’ve been told by the RCMP Fraud Squad that it might take me 3 months, if at all, to recover all my data.
For 3 nights, now, because of generator problems at my son’s trailer where I had been sleeping every night since July 1, 2010, I have returned to sleeping in my acoustically toxic house and trying to get away every day for as many hours as possible. My life is so chaotic that I don’t know whether I’m coming or going at times.
Good fortune has me driving to either Chatham or Toronto to sit in on the Environmental Review Tribunal which is assessing the adverse health effects which will flow from the Kent Breeze IWT ZONE being erected by Suncor. Those are the days I cherish. They give me something worthwhile to do while “I’m running away from” the 18, 1.65 MW Vestas all jammed in within a 3 km radius of my house in the Clear Creek/Cultus/Frogmore IWT (Industrial Wind Turbine) ZONE.
These last 3 nights of trying to rest at the house are reminding me of the battered sensations experienced before renting an apt ~ 50 km from the house from Jan to July of 2010. The thought that these symptoms may become irreversible is depressing and soul destroying.
I look forward to getting back to the trailer once night-time temperatures stay around 10 degrees C, and I also look forward to driving to Chatham, Toronto, Strathroy and anywhere else that’s welcoming.
Comment by Peggy (Ontario, Canada) on 08/15/2011 at 9:02 pm
Turbines are being planned in our area. I was thinking of getting some medical baseline data done before they are put in. Then, if /when I run into health problems, there may be some evidence. I am not naive enough to be convinced that this will make any difference but, regardless, I am wondering what medical tests would you suggest getting done before the turbines become operable. Thanks so much for your guidance and my heart goes out to all those who are suffering right now.
Editor’s reply: Blood pressure, balance, eyes, tinnitus, emotional state, migraines.