“It was beyond their Geiger counter’s limit” (WTS.com reports on Japan’s nuke crisis)
Mar 16, 2011

—Yuki Tsuruta, Guest Editor (Japan)*
*Yuki Tsuruta is the Japanese journalist who graciously translated Pierpont’s Wind Turbine Syndrome book into Japanese. She lives with her two children near Tokyo.
Monday, March 14, 2011
The Citizens Nuclear Information Center (CNIC) is the most reliable Non Profit Organization on nuclear power plant issues in Japan. They are having the press conferences regularly after the power plant accidents.
The Japanese government is trying to hide important information. They said radiation leakage is very little around the power plants. But when a freelance journalist group went to Futaba-cho (Fukushima) and measured radiation level there, it was beyond their Geiger counter’s limit.
As for iodine tablets I don’t think I should take it now. Thanks anyway. Actually I am totally lacking information. So I am not sure how dangerous my current situation is.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
I am angry at the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), because it started rolling blackouts yesterday. TEPCO is the owner of Fukushima nuclear power plants.
The Metropolitan area is divided into 5 groups. Each area is having its power supply cut for about 3 hours.
TEPCO insists they are running out of 10 GW electricity because of the power plants’ accident. But I don’t believe it. The capacity of Fukushima nuclear power plants is about 9 GW.
Moreover, some reactors had been stopped for a periodic inspection before the accident occurred. And Japanese energy demand in March is not high. Its peak time demand is about 60% of high noon in summer. TEPCO has a plenty of fired and hydro power plants. Their capacity is about 45 GW. (They insist some of them are not operating and only 31 GW is available now.)
TEPCO and the Japanese government don’t want Japanese people to find nuclear power plants are not necessary at all. They are fear that Japanese people could make a decision not to build more nuclear power plants or abolish the existing ones.
TEPCO has changed the time of the rolling blackouts so many times, people feel like they’re being spun around and around.
But people never complain. Because the earthquake victims are more miserable.
The accident is really disastrous, indeed. We should think of the victims first.
But we have to think another thing, too. Similar accidents could occur again in other areas in Japan.
We don’t need dangerous power stations, anymore. We have to say “no” to nuclear power.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Thanks for Dr. Pierpont’s statement. I sent it to CNIC.
On Tuesday, the Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology released a statement recommending that expectant and nursing mothers should take potassium iodide. They recommend that expectant and nursing mothers who were exposed to 5,000 micro Sv. should take 100mg of potassium iodide.
Comment by M Anderson on 03/16/2011 at 12:48 pm
My prayers are with the Japanese people. I cannot even imagine how stressful this situation is.