Interviewing Wind Turbine Syndrome victims (Pierpont)
Aug 16, 2011

—Calvin Luther Martin, PhD
At a recent meeting with a group of people in the State of Maine, Nina Pierpont was asked to provide a list of questions that would help identify whether people living near wind turbines are suffering from Wind Turbine Syndrome. She agreed to do so, and this is the result. Click here.
The questionnaire begins with the following:
Interview for wind turbine victims
Note: This is designed to be an interview, providing guiding questions to a person being audio- or video-taped. It is not meant to be a questionnaire that a person fills out about him- or herself.
“Could you describe what you (or your child or other family members) have felt or experienced since the turbines started operating near your home?”
Let the person talk. Keep track on this checklist whether the person has covered each symptom area. Prompt with specific questions if the person does not cover these symptoms spontaneously, and encourage comparison to the past before turbines or to any periods away from home.
You are welcome to use this as you wish. We encourage you to send your results to us at, so we can report on them.
Comment by d faits (Massachusetts) on 08/16/2011 at 5:36 pm
I’d like to suggest that an effective use of this symptom list would be in a preemptive mode, such as: “Sir, Ma’am, are you now suffering from wind turbine syndrome?” “No?, might that be something that you would prefer to avoid? Because industrial wind turbine exposure experience provides evidence of imparting the following symptoms.” And so forth.
Comment by Brad Blake, Cape Elizabeth, ME on 08/16/2011 at 9:53 pm
Nina, thank you so much for providing this.
So far in Maine, there are victims suffering from WTS in every community where a wind power project has been built too close to residences. Mars Hill, Freedom, Vinalhaven.
Now the large Rollins project in Lincoln Lakes is becoming operational and already people on North Road in Lee are complaining. As the weather patterns change and the winds start swirling amongst the ridges above the 13 lakes, the noise problems will come from all directions. I anticipate hundreds of people will be impacted, a contention agreed to by acoustics expert Robert Rand.
Again, thank you for providing a tool for us to use.

Robert Rand of Rand Acoustics
Comment by Frank Haggerty (Falmouth, MA) on 08/17/2011 at 11:38 am
We need to think how quickly the military troops become tuned into what is called a stealth military battle tank. The US battle tanks are called stealth battle tanks but I can assure you that when one of these 60 ton tanks gets within thousands of feet of ground troops, they all hear and understand what that low pitched hum and vibration of those gears turning towards them!
This is the same type of noise that residents around commercial wind turbines hear. It’s low pitched and sends out vibrations through the air. The turning of thousands of gears in a heavy gear oil can never be completly tuned out.
The US military tank has a turbine. The inner workings of a turbine engine, as used in the M1 Abrams include over 1000 moving parts just like a commercial wind turbine. The Abrams tank uses a turbine power-plant as opposed to a traditional diesel engine. This was chosen because it offers a better power to weight ratio and is much smaller in size.
The M1 Abrams military tank and the commercial wind turbine nacelle (or what is called the motor) weigh about the same, around 60 tons.
The gear noise of 1000 gears turning at the same time are what is called the “wind turbine syndrome.” I’m sure that any ground troops that hear an Abrams tank 2500 feet from them quickly become tuned into the sound of the gears of that military tank!
There must be some military research on how and why ground troops can hear the Abrams tank up to a mile away.