Horse breeder discusses Wind Turbine Syndrome & horses
Aug 23, 2011

“I’ve lost 6 of 8 babies . . . ” (this from a man who’s been professionally breeding & showing horses for 45 years)
Click here for Nina Pierpont’s interview with a horse breeder discussing the disastrous effects of wind turbines on his breeding mares (March 2010). (The breeder has asked for his name to be kept confidential.)
Comment by Ellen Landauer on 08/23/2011 at 5:39 pm
It would be good to compile a list of names, places, statistics of animals (and income) lost – as IWT industry preys on farmers – open land – financially struggling – tempting them with what to them is big money but to Big Wind is a drop in the bucket.
Let’s hear from the Animal Rights Activists now!