Got WTS? Call this man …
Sep 16, 2011

Got Wind Turbine Syndrome? Do you live on the east coast?
If “yes,” it’s time to stop wasting your time …
- with your town board
- with the wind turbine propeller-heads in town
- with financially strapped farmers and absentee property-owners who just want the money from turbine leases—and would sell their mothers for $10
- with wind industry trade associations like the American Wind Energy Association and so-called non-profit “green energy” councils
- with your local physician (who’s clueless about all this and, besides, frightened to death to get involved)
- and with ludicrous nonsense like this (a model of illogic, non sequitur, and irrelevance) from Australia’s Clean Energy Council—although you can find this stuff on any wind developer’s website:
It’s time to stop talking to turbine salesmen who insist wind turbine “noise” is no different from your “refrigerator’s”—for God’s sake! (Doubtless there are times those turbines out back sound like your fridge. But that evades the real issue, which Big Wind realizes full well.)
The issue being, of course, that, together with audible noise, turbines produce infrasonic noise & vibration—by definition below the level of human hearing—yet, as Pierpont demonstrates, catastrophic for the infrasonically-attuned, infrasonically-evolved vestibular organs of the inner ear (along with other organs of balance, motion, and position sense).
And that is the point—and the reason you WTS sufferers must contact Dr. Rauch (pronounced “Rosh”), a worldclass expert in vestibular disease and dysregulation.
… with thanks to
I’m going to make it easy for you. Pick up your phone and call this man. Operators are standing by . . .
Big Wind loves to trash Dr. Pierpont and her peer-reviewed “Wind Turbine Syndrome: A Report on a Natural Experiment” (2009). (Big Wind doesn’t seem to grasp that scholarly books, like Pierpont’s, are peer-reviewed. They labor under the misconception that only journal articles are peer-reviewed. These people wouldn’t know a “peer review” if it walked up and pissed on their foot.)
But Big Wind won’t trash Dr. Rauch; he’s the “pope” of vestibular disorders at Harvard Medical School.
My advice? I urge all you sufferers in Falmouth (MA), Vinalhaven (ME), Mars Hill (ME), New York State, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Minnesota, Iowa, Arizona, California–to contact this man. Write to him and tell him your WTS story. And if you live on the east coast, call that number pronto and make an appointment.
Hundreds of you should make an appointment to see him.
What the heck, all you WTS guinea pigs in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, UK, France, Italy, Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Turkey, Japan, Hungary, Italy–you, too, can contact him.
Dr. Steven Rauch needs to hear from all of you, either in writing or, better yet, face to face.
It gets better. Not only is Dr. Rauch a world leader in vestibular disorders, when he was interviewed in July by a (sappy) Boston Herald reporter for her (silly) article on Wind Turbine Syndrome, he is quoted as saying the following:
Turbine-induced health concerns are not just another Not In My Back Yard straw argument, said one top Boston ear doc. Dr. Steven Rauch, a Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary otologist, said yesterday the state should take the issue seriously.
‘We know that in the animal kingdom, low frequency sound can cause harm, so it is not unreasonable to consider that same consequence in humans,’ Rauch said. ‘You have to give them the benefit of doubt, and not dismiss them as cranks.’
Notice that he said this on the strength of scant acquaintance with the research on WTS. Dr. Pierpont has never spoken to the man (although she is familiar with his work), nor, to the best of our knowledge, has he read her book, “Wind Turbine Syndrome.”
In other words, Harvard Medical School’s Dr. Steven Rauch realizes, on the basis of prima facie evidence, that WTS is worth taking seriously. Think about it!
It’s now up to all you guinea pigs to lean on Dr. Rauch to do what he recommended to the Boston Herald: take WTS seriously–and launch his own investigations into this industrial plague.
Comment by Ellen Landauer on 09/16/2011 at 2:52 pm
Thanks! You just saved me an infinite amount of time! I don’t even bother with my town board, trying to persuade locals, etc.
Great article, well said! I hope all those wind turbine syndrome sufferers in Falmouth and all those other areas make a beeline for this Dr’s. office!
BTW – is it possible a 291 ft turbine 2 1/4 miles away in a mountainous area can cause any minor WTS symptoms?
Editor’s reply: Yes. Infrasound can carry very far. Mountainous terrain can be worse than flat. Besides this, you have to know what that turbine is sunk into: What’s the geology down there? In Australia, people are getting affected many miles distant.
A week ago Nina & I were in Woods Hole, Mass. We spent the night 1.5 to 2 miles from a 100 kW, Northwind turbine, 156 feet tall. We were downwind. I got WTS. I have been around other turbines, larger ones, and not had WTS. But the next morning, I was ill. Headaches, chest tightness, brain fog, word-finding problems. Nina was fine, except she had frequent urination through the night—something she found odd.
I had to leave the area. I felt fine soon after leaving.

Northwind 100 turbine
Comment by Marco Bernardi (Germany) on 09/16/2011 at 3:43 pm
I have done gymnastics as a serious sport for more then 12 years. I was Hessian youth master in floor exercises and never had problems with my sense of balance.
In 1994 we moved to a little village near the North Sea coast in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. 10 months later 3 wind turbines were erected only 320 to 480 meters away from our house.

In the years since then I have lost my sense of balance. I’m even not able to slip my socks on without seesawing, and I’m no more free from giddiness.
17 years of being a guinea pig is enough!
Comment by Preston McClanahan on 09/16/2011 at 5:33 pm
We ant-winders all have a strong tendency to “preach to the choir.” Let’s address the pro-winders with the kinds of truths that Calvin, Dr. Pierpont and Dr. Rauch help us to know, and use these truths to change public opinion on the big wind swindle.
