Got Wind Turbine Syndrome? Did your property value plummet after the turbines went in? (Australia)
Feb 7, 2011

If the answer to either question is “yes,” email the Australia Senate!
There is a Senate Committee that would like to hear your story—yes, even if you’re not from Australia. Yes, international submissions are welcome. No, you don’t have to be a health expert or realtor or other “expert.” Merely an ordinary person who has experienced WTS or property value decline.
- Send your submission to the following email address: (Note: If you don’t have an Australia home address, do not use the online submission option. Use, instead, the above email address. Why? Because, without an Australia home address, you can’t register for an online submission. That’s why the Senate set up this email address: for all of us who live outside Australia.)
- Direct your comments to the “Senate Community Affairs Committee” and point out that you’re making a submission regarding “The Social & Economic Impact of Rural Wind Farms.” (Click here for more info on what the Senate is looking for.)
- Deadline for submissions is February 10th. Don’t wait till the 10th, especially if you’re making your submission from “abroad” (outside Australia). This to ensure your submission is processed in time by the Committee staff (which has admitted it’s overwhelmed).
- You can include attachments, either as Word docs or PDF.
- Click here to view the submissions received and processed to date. (Note, it takes days, even a week or more, for the staff to post submissions. Don’t be alarmed if there is a long delay between your submission and seeing it appear on this website.)
Comment by Jean-Louis Butre, President, Federation Environment Durable on 02/08/2011 at 8:45 am
Editor: The following statement was submitted 2/8/11 to the Australia Senate by the President of the French “Federation Environment Durable”:
Date: Tue, 08 Feb 2011 06:24:22 +0100
Subject: Wind Farm Problems
As president of the French “Federation Environnement Durable” (FED), regrouping 750 associations of French citizens, I confirm property devaluation can reach up to 30% for residents living near wind turbines.
I also confirm and testify a proportion of those residents living at a distance over 1500 m from industrial machines are sick and their symptoms are similar to those described as “wind turbine syndrome.”
In France practically all FED associations are going to court to stop wind farm construction. The industrial wind industry tries to minimize those aspects of wind turbines. They lie to governments and lie to local residents.
The wind industry is only living on subsides and public taxes.
Jean-Louis Butre
Federation Environnement Durable