Dr. Pierpont interviews WTS victims, #1 (Falmouth, MA)
Sep 24, 2011

This is the first in a series of interviews of Falmouth (Massachusetts) “Wind Turbine Syndrome” victims by Nina Pierpont, MD, PhD.
Editor’s note: When you open the video, you will see the opening screen says “Part II of a Series.” This is an error; this interview is Part I. Secondly, the audio needs some tweaking. The filmmaker is working on this. Third, the blurb below the video mentions that Dr. Pierpont earned her PhD at Yale. She didn’t; she earned it at Princeton. (Her B.A. is from Yale.) Fourth, Neil Andersen’s name is misspelled in the video credits. It should be “Andersen.” Fifth, the filmmaker didn’t intend for me to post this right away; she sent it to me as a draft. I posted it anyhow, since I consider the video to be of sufficient quality to post as is, fully aware that time is of the essence for WTS sufferers. They need their story brought to the attention of the world, now, not tomorrow.
Comment by Preston McClanahan on 09/25/2011 at 10:25 am
This testimony and factual evidence is essential in building a case for reasonable setbacks between wind turbines and residences. Its unfortunate that the pro-wind people can’t take in the world-wide reports of the human suffering and expense due to inadequate setbacks. The word has to get out to the public at large. Direct experience should educate the electorate. Direct experience will trump the clarion call of the printed word in the minds of those who have bought the pro-wind hype.

Comment by Marsh Rosenthal on 09/25/2011 at 11:05 am
Hi Calvin, I have sent this interview to my whole mailing list and suggest that everyone else who receives it does the same!

Comment by Ray Songtree on 09/25/2011 at 6:17 pm
I have put a link to your website on KauaiTruth.Com
Thank you for your outreach.
Ray Songtree
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Comment by Frank Haggerty on 10/30/2011 at 8:05 am
On June 17.2009 Massachusetts DCR Commissioner Rick Sullivan, DOER Commissioner
Philip Giudice and members of panel hosted a wind turbine listening session held at Massachusetts Maritime Academy. MMA is located at 101 Academy Drive, Buzzards Bay, MA 02532 next to the Town of Falmouth.
In 2009 a meeting was held to solicit comments from the public about wind turbine siting. The comment period was for the first attempt of the proposed Wind Energy Siting Reform Act,WESRA.
Three public comments are below warning about set back issues from the public in 2009 . These public comments warned about setbacks from residential homes. Over 50 Falmouth residents are sick over the poor siting of a commercial wind turbine. The public comments from 2009 fell on deaf ears of the state officials holding the meetings in 2009 .
The state of Massachusetts officials and politicians were well aware of the dangers of siting a commercial wind turbine in residential areas prior to the 2010 Falmouth installation.
Thanks Frank Haggerty,Mattapoisett
Bridget Earle 2009 remarks
Concerned Citizens for Responsible Wind Power Mattapoisett 2009 remarks
2009 remarks
cc Scott Brown