“Con with the Wind” (Video)
Sep 29, 2011

“Con with the Wind”: Click anywhere above to watch the trailer
“Con with the Wind” has been years in the making. By British filmmaker Nigel Spence. Read a newspaper article on the forthcoming film, here.
The film will be released on DVD in the USA in November. Mr. Spence and WTS.com are in discussion about having WTS.com distribute the film in America.
Comment by Ellen Landauer on 09/29/2011 at 1:05 pm
Fabulous trailer! Look forward to seeing the movie.
Comment by LSARC on 09/29/2011 at 6:47 pm
Delighted to hear the DVD will be available in November. It would be great if WTS could be the distributor and get this well-crafted show before an enthusiastic and appreciative audience. Makes good sense!

Comment by Hal Graham on 09/29/2011 at 9:40 pm
Nigel, it will be fantastic if Nina and Calvin could handle the distribution on this, after all your work.
To the rest of you, Nigel spent one whole day with my wife and me in the making of this film. We got to tell our story and expose the truth. It will be in the movie—how much, I do not know. Time will tell.
Nigel is one of the greatest to expose the Wind Industry for what it is…
Good luck to you Calvin for all your hard work with the Wind Industry
Hal (Graham)

Editor’s note: This is the view outside Judge Graham’s living room window, Cohocton, NY
Comment by Ernie King on 09/30/2011 at 8:33 am
It is indeed time to see the truth behind this whole issue. The trailer inspires interest in viewing this, can’t wait to see it!

Comment by m dutchie on 09/30/2011 at 9:46 am
That is a frightening picture—a wind turbine in direct view, overpowering and over-shadowing

what should be a peaceful home in the country. What are the powers that be thinking? Of course
they are not in plain view in Dalton McGuinty’s backyard; the Premier of Ontario is too wily to
put his money where his mouth is.
My condolences to the Grahams.
Comment by Ingrid Sutherland on 09/30/2011 at 5:19 pm
We have also been targeted for IWTs (Industrial Wind Turbines) and they are slotted all along the North Coast of Lake Erie and in other areas of Ontario. The more you read and the more you talk to people that are already dealing with IWTs, the more you realize they are definitely NOT people or animal-friendly if they are placed too close to homes.

It appears the siting of IWTs is crucial and setbacks need to be a minimum of 1.5 kms and NOT a mere 550 meters as developers and the Ontario Liberal government would have you believe.
The IWTs slotted for our area have already rendered our home unsaleable and they have not even been installed! In other areas where they have been installed, those people can’t sell their homes either, and many are suffering various health effects such as vertigo, headaches and are unable to sleep. Many residents have complained to the government and to the developers, hence it is absolutely unforgiveable and irresponsible of our government to proceed with further IWT installations until health studies have been done.
Comment by Preston McClanahan on 09/30/2011 at 8:25 pm
Tanfastic! Reality bites in this film to come. The street dissenters could use my swindle stick. I shall forward the idea to them.
Comment by windy3NIMBY on 10/01/2011 at 8:31 pm
Now In My Backyard! Coming to a neighbourhood near you soon….

Be afraid! Very afraid!
They don’t work! S”WIND”LE on a global scale.
Truly a nightmare of epic proportions.
Comment by Bonnie Stephens on 10/02/2011 at 10:21 am
Sounds like a valuable tool for understanding wind energy issues: truth and facts gathered to present both sides of a global issue impacting us all!
Our family looks forward to seeing this documentary!

Comment by Helen Belbeck on 10/02/2011 at 2:46 pm
We are seniors who downsized 3 years ago to a nice little house in the quiet countryside. Big MISTAKE!! We will be surrounded with IWT’s if McGuinty has his way. Real Estate values are at stake as well as our health.
The high cost and low output of turbines have kept private industry out of the business of building turbines. All that makes it possible is the huge subsidies given by the Ontario government to the likes of Samsung etc.
Private industry would be knocking down the doors to get in if it ( IWT’s) were profitable. All will fail when there are no more subsidies.
The video was truthful and courageous about the evils and folly of turbines. Looking forward to seeing the movie.

Comment by Anonymous on 10/02/2011 at 4:36 pm
We must all band together to stop these montrosities from being shoved down our throats and ruining our lives, landscapes and wildlife.
Comment by Momma G on 10/02/2011 at 5:23 pm
Looks good! Too bad it wasn’t out before the Ontario Provincial Election, and Haldimand signed for the “vibrancy” fund.

Will definitely watch when it’s released in full!
Comment by Michelle Day on 11/29/2011 at 6:26 pm
Help! Lenox Massachusetts residents are fighting to stop state legislation (WESRA) and building of two industrial wind turbines on beautiful Berkshire Mountains near homes, wildlife sanctuary and historic town.
How can we show this film to educate the many people who are unaware this is happening?
Please visit http://www.preservelenoxmountain.org for more information.
Thank You!
Editor’s note: Alas, it’s not yet out! Would that it were!