Big Wind “Swindle”
Jul 24, 2011

—Preston McClanahan, Guest Editor
—Professor of Graphic Design (retired)
—Rhode Island School of Design)
The SWINDLE Genesis
The word swindle was used in my letters to the local editor early on from 2006.
A need arose (2007) for anti-wind propaganda in our small hill town of Savoy in North Berkshire County, Massachusetts. The word swindle transformed into the word-image fit the bill.
SWINDLE: The bumper sticker
National Wind Watch ran the image which was picked up and used by Bob Graham, Scotland: June 9, 2008 Scotland Bob’s wind farm battle bus takes to the road.
The Big Swindle bus has hit the road in Moray. Anti-wind farm campaigner Bob Graham has taken his opposition to a new level by buying a battle bus.
“Your bumper sticker is truly inspired!! Thank you! I hope it gets posted on every available web site” (Glenn Schleede, Virginia).
“I’ve used Preston’s “Swindle” idea on bumper stickers, hats and T-shirts which we’ve been distributing across Western NY for the past few years now. Most recently, all of the contractors working on our new home left fully educated, and completely outfitted with their new “Swindle” gear” (Mary Kay Barton, NY State).
“Splendid, Preston. Thanks so much for this creative enterprise! Hope it generates a lot of blowback. And sWINDle stickers should everywhere, for Preston’s idea is just-so, with pitch perfect pith” (Jon Boone, Maryland).
SWINDLE billboard says it all, by S. C. Smith updated 7/11/11, Friends of the Grande Ronde Valley, between Oregon and Washington State.
SWINDLE billboard brings attention to what is really happening further down the road heading east on I 84 in the Columbia Gorge between Oregon and Washington.
Thanks to National Wind Watch’s graphic page, we found the idea for this SWINDLE billboard that originated from another individual fighting wind turbines. (Guess who?)
To show your colors. For rallies & Planning Board meetings. To alert the unknowing.
It spins. It says that energy from wind is just a swindle.
If you want to make your own SWINDLE stick or have it made, I will send you the plans and the material list. Its fairly easy and not time consuming.
If you or your group need a protest sign or a bumper sticker for a public demonstration, here is the information:
Cost is @1.60 per sticker. Send a check or money order to Preston McClanahan at 74 Blue Gentian Road, Cranston, RI 02921
Note: 3 swindle bumper stickers minimum are needed, or 6 for front and back.
Comment by Preston McClanahan on 07/24/2011 at 2:49 pm
Ok. Calvin,
Anyone who wants to use the sWINDle word-image is welcome to it. No copyright exists.
Help yourself. Use it any which way you can.
Best regards to all anti-winders,
Comment by Marsh Rosenthal on 07/26/2011 at 3:22 pm
Kudos to Preston! He gets it!
Comment by Anonymous on 10/24/2011 at 8:36 pm
I am so grateful that you have not copyrighted this image. It is so useful for what we are going through in Vermont right now with the Lowell mountain range.