“Will we be healthy again?” (Germany)
Sep 16, 2010

“How long can we still stand the horror of daily vibrations before we finally collapse?”
Editor’s note: The following was written by a German woman, Jutta Reichardt, on reading the heartrending series of letters written by the Canadian nurse, Norma Schmidt, “They have made my life a living hell.” It leaves one wondering if there is any end to this wind turbine-induced hell. Clearly, it knows no national boundaries. Clearly, it is heartless and mindless. Let these plaintive letters bear testimony to the grotesquerie of building infrasound/low frequency noise-generating machines next to people’s homes. History will look back on this madness for what it is: the wind energy mass hysteria which crushed people like Nurse Norma Schimdt and Jutta Reichardt. Brutal madness.
—Jutta Reichardt (click here for video of Mrs. Reichardt)
I am deeply touched by the experience of Norma from Ontario and the conversation between you.
How to repeat the situation of victims of wind power around the world. . . . My husband and I had the same eye-opening experience when we read Dr. Pierpont’s “Wind Turbine Syndrome” and discovered all of our symptoms, which several doctors did not understand or couldn’t explain to us during the last 13 years.
The same great sadness for the lost paradise, which we have built up over the past 16 years. The same daily discussion, whether we are going to finally be healthy again. Whether we can leave all to start over again (difficult at our age) or if we hold on another 10 years and then try go into early retirement.
What guarantee is there to our pensions, if no one wants to buy our property (most of the properties here sell only with big discounts, or they are empty for years). Where do we go, when the same wind madness (as in Schleswig-Holstein, northern Germany, where we live) has taken hold in the countries we consider moving to? Maine? Nova Scotia?
How long can we still stand the horror of daily vibrations before we finally collapse? Two to three hours of sleep at night, tinnitus, nausea, dizziness, palpitations, chest tightness and dyspnea, ear pressure, and raised blood pressure. One hour sleep in front of the TV is more relaxing than awake in bed the whole night. . . . And so it goes.
In recent weeks, there is again a lot of wind out of the evil directions, southeast, east and northwest. . . .
But today we can show officials, politicians, and German media the study by Dr. Pierpont, and they will never be able to say they did not know that wind turbines make you sick. . . . Thanks for that, Nina!
Good luck in Picton, Ontario, for the symposium, which for all of us—the thousands of victims of wind turbines around the world—is so important!
If you want to see how we live between 16 wind turbines (113 are visible from our property are 113), the nearest being 320 meters (0.2 mile) away, see the cover of our website, http://www.windwahn.de/
I write this with great sympathy for Norma and her fate in Canada, which is so similar to ours in Germany.
Comment by Ann Wirtz on 09/19/2010 at 9:58 pm
I read these letters written by others and I am in tears because I truly know what they are going through. Do you leave? How can you stay? I was faced with these same grueling questions until I felt we had no choice but leave and lose everything. Even after leaving, there hasn’t been a day I don’t think about what was forced upon us and how devastating it has been.
We have been gone a year. I am bitter and angry. People think I am crazy. Most people can’t comprehend the decision we were forced to make, so they speculate on what they think the reasons may have been as to why we left. I don’t feel comfortable anywhere in public because I feel our family has been scrutinized and talked about, all over. There are very few people that truly understand what it’s like to deal with wind turbine life if you are one of the unfortunate ones that is affected by the noise, vibrations and flicker.