Turbines violate state noise standards (Maine)
Sep 12, 2010

—Monique Aniel, MD, and Steven Thurston (9/10/10)
Co-chairs, (Maine) Citizens Task Force on Wind Power
The revelation that Vinalhaven’s turbines are out of compliance with Maine’s noise regulations comes as no surprise! It confirms that the noise prediction model used by the wind industry is flawed.
Problems with turbine noise are not limited to the prediction model used by the industry. Maine’s current noise regulations do not consider the unique noise produced by wind turbines, do not recognize the quiet nighttime background sound levels of rural areas, nor do they conform to the World Health Organization recommendations for nighttime noise levels. As we have suggested since last October in meetings with senior policy adviser Karin Tilberg, other cabinet members, before an unreceptive Legislative Council, and the Joint Committee on Utilities and Energy, it is imperative that Maine’s outdated noise regulations be amended.
On February 19, 2010, at a State House press conference, we called upon Governor Baldacci to issue an immediate moratorium on wind turbine projects pending a thorough review of turbine noise issues. At that time, the governor through a spokesperson, rejected this thoughtful plea from his citizens. In view of the findings from Vinalhaven, once again we urge the Governor to declare a moratorium on all wind projects.
We also call upon Dr. Dora Mills, head of Maine Center for Disease Control, to listen to the complaints of Maine residents currently affected by wind turbine noise, to review the medical literature, and to take appropriate action to safeguard their health.
With the rapid pace of wind power development in the state we believe there is sufficient evidence of human suffering from existing wind projects in Freedom, Mars Hill, and Vinalhaven to warrant a statewide moratorium.
Monique Aniel, MD, (802) 864-5423 or 441-2818
Steve Thurston (802) 384-5267