Tourist gets Wind Turbine Syndrome from nearby turbines
May 4, 2010

Dear Dr. Pierpont,
I am writing to you as a result of having read an article in the Independent that quotes your research into the adverse health effects of wind turbines. I am extremely interested in this, as I have experienced such effects.
I was talking to a friend who mentioned such effects, so got on the Internet and found this particular article.
I quite often travel to the Greek island of Naxos to “get away from it all.” However, the last time I was there, it was for longer than the usual few days, and I was quite ill with most of the symptoms you describe in the article. I have been wondering why, and as there are a few wind turbines there, about 1.5 km from where I was staying, I realise they were the problem.
I was about to go back there again when I found all this interesting material—thank goodness!
I have done a lot of work researching and writing in the area of electromagnetic radiation and health, so am interested in widening my work to wind farms.
If you have an email list, or any other forum of discussion, I would be most interested to be part of it, however I will keep reading whatever I can find.
Many thanks, and best wishes,
Sarah Benson