“The local resistance is massive” (Sweden)
Jul 24, 2010

A few days ago, the second biggest energy company in the world, the multinational, mainly German-owned Eon, submitted an application for a wind farm with 10 wind turbines, each 180 meters (590 feet) high, not far from my home, in one of the last quiet areas of Scania, South Sweden.
The local resistance is massive. Eon knew it, but obviously wants to flex its muscles and show who is the “boss.”
I have attached a photo of 17-year-old Moa Olsson protesting the windfarm in the threatened forests, holding a poster showing Edvard Munch’s famous painting, “The Sream,” with the text, “Eon destroys our life.”
Peter Skeel Hjorth
July 20, 2010
Editor’s note: I have taken the liberty of editing Mr. Hjorth’s text slightly, to make his English more grammatically correct and intelligible. This has not changed the meaning of his letter in any manner.